Emotional Grapes

Sansa's there because she's a fantastic character. Sansa is not Arya and Arya is not Sansa. Nor is Game of Thrones, strictly speaking, an action show. Sure there are plenty of battles and dragons, but the heart of the show is examining the nature of politics, power, family, pain, etc in this heightened, fictional

I've always assumed that vampire mythology is exactly the same in the True Blood world as it is in ours. Or at least it was right up until the moment when vampires revealed themselves.
In one of the first few episodes, Sam mentions Buffy and Blade and how he wished they would come to town. I don't see how they could

spinachleaf? Nice try, Sue! We all know it's you- still angry we ran your salad joint out of town. Rightly so. Most people don't even consider salad a food, you know. Just accept it.

@avclub-472d722b57a4ed37e41e70c9c9d7d0f3:disqus , I don't get that impression from him. I don't think Jack has a problem with gayness per se, just with anything he sees as liberal and ridiculous.
Remember his friend Gretchen Thomas that he tried to set Liz up with early in the first season? She was a lesbian, but a

I agree, it wasn't funny because, "HAHA LESBIANS!" it was funny that Colleen, of all people, had a late in life lesbian relationship and that it made her silly. SILLY. It also made fun of how our heteronormative culture makes people ridiculously blind to what's actually happening around them. Liz just figured out the

All my life I thought I was an out and proud lesbian, only to discover now that I must be a homophobe in disguise. How else could I have legitimately enjoyed this unexpected twist, much less laughed at the jokes? The horror! Every self-respecting gay person knows that so much as cracking a smile once LGBT people have

It's like an owl without a graduation cap: heartbreaking.

It's like an owl without a graduation cap: heartbreaking.