
Are you me?

“The best thing about this hard drive is that its USB 3.0 port also delivers its power, so there’s no need to find an extra wall outlet.”

“The best thing about this hard drive is that its USB 3.0 port also delivers its power, so there’s no need to find

This song was also cut from last year’s adaptation of Cats.

I’m disappointed to see Kinja peddling pseudoscience. Nonionizing radiation from cell phone use has not been conclusively linked with negative health effects. The most dangerous aspect of cell phones, by orders of magnitude, is using a cell phone while driving. Do yourself and your readers a favor by reading https://ww

I’m disappointed to see Kinja peddling pseudoscience. Nonionizing radiation from cell phone use has not been

wait what

wait what

Why would you push this snake oil? The cellular/wifi signal is the source of radiation and the source of connectivity. Block the signal (to any degree) and your phone is just going to ramp up power to compensate. This is a wash at best, or the situation might get worse. Either way, you are definitely wasting power.

Why would you push this snake oil? The cellular/wifi signal is the source of radiation and the source of

Fucking disappointing. I will be quitting this page if you keep this dumb shit up.

Fucking disappointing. I will be quitting this page if you keep this dumb shit up.

Non-ionizing radiation does not cause harm in humans.

Non-ionizing radiation does not cause harm in humans.

We weighed Google vs. Zoom when we were putting our classes online, and Zoom was far and away the teachers’ favorite. That is because the share screen/annotation/breakout space features are much better. But if we were just meeting, Google would be fine (and easier to log onto for those who haven’t downloaded the Zoom

Waiting for that cat licking the plate to knock the next domino over is as tense as a Hitchcockian thriller.

That’s what I thought this would be about, then I realized if the car was involved it would be on Jalopnik

TL;DR, I’ll let this guy explain:

“I’ll save you a seat at the bar”

turn a $500 parsh into a $3000 one!

“Demanding that all four of you travel in a single vehicle, howver, means the bikes are out.”

No you aren’t you aren’t sorry at all enough with your LIES!

My favorite age was four. They’re starting to become independent but they still need you. They are soaking up everything like a sponge. I also feel like then is when you can actually start to have a real conversation. There were times when she’d suggest something and I’d think, “huh...that’s a really good idea. I

I use channels like this frequently. I can determine - That is easy vs F-this, I now know why you pay someone to do it.

iPhone X begs to differ