That’s my bad, I missed the sarcasm. Its been a really long, racist internet day today.
That’s my bad, I missed the sarcasm. Its been a really long, racist internet day today.
No, Black Lives Matter isn’t, pure and simple. Black Lives Matter asks simply that those who have sworn to protect and serve all lives in America actually do so, rather than doing the exact opposite and wrongfully taking Black Lives. Again and again and again and again. BLM doesn’t give a shit if it is a white, black,…
You forgot Muslim Jihadist (who I am kidding, that’s redundant, just Muslim will suffice).
You let them poop in peace!
or Alabama?
A few years back I consciously replaced that other “n”word with “negro”whenever it might have otherwise come up. Now I use it whenever Negros are cutting up, in “Negro, please”, as a term of endearment, or when references the New Blacks. It is just so versatile.
No they haven’t.
Hmm. Didn’t think it was possible to make this crappy movie any more crappy than it already was.
Baltimorons being, well. . .
I totally understand where he’s coming from, though. It can be really hard. I recall when my then 2 year old met our friends (lesbian couple) and their sons:
Was right there with you as a former high school track runner, until your NBA comment.
That’s why it’s necessary to keep posting it.
Nope, I’m dying to actually serve. I’ve been called twice. 1st time, dismissed because lawyer and 2nd time, never made it out of the jury pool room.
Well, Michelle IS angry, whiney, and a complainer, looking for a handout (in other words, she’s black) and Melania is just an example of bootstrapping, AMERICA! and gentileness (in other words, she’s white)