
Intentionally harming any person in any way, for any reason (besides true self defense) should be completely abhorrent.

Fortunately his beard stood by him through those tough times.

I think you’ve got to rebuild. This year is obviously lost, so you’ve got to think about 2018. Curry isn’t fitting in with Durant. Might I suggest a straight up Curry for Carmelo Anthony trade in the offseason?

Rumspringa training.

I can’t imagine Magic doing that. He seems like a positive person.

His name is Jason Pierre Paw.

Wow, someone’s triggered

> Or maybe the Vikings are just doomed to fail.

He is registered in Texas his vote did not matter granted its a bad look.

No, no it fuckin doesn’t. You can consciously choose not to vote for the lesser of two evils in a White Supremacist system, as a form of protest, and still speak out against the greater evil being elected.

Nice to see the Why Your Team Sucks series extend into the regular season.

I think his greatest legacy is that he was such a great role model to children. He taught an entire generation to love and appreciate the healthy taste of Honey Nut Cheerios.

Actually the Garfield people knelt because they’re lazy.

As a Tennessee resident who absolutely fucking loathes the Vols, I wanted App State to pull this out so badly. And in Knoxville, no less.

This is now a Seinfeld episode.

INT Yankee Stadium

Kramer forces way into women’s restroom

Boy, it’s really refreshing to read that Rock story; he seems like a super gracious and genuine guy on social media and it’s nice to know that it’s probably legit.

These read like Penthouse letter’s for nerds.

I would love to hear a crowd yell “signature shout” after every chop.

Hey, leave Girardi alone, and show a little retwopect!