
A galaxy of stars for this comment.

This is a separate tangent that rarely gets talked about. We already know that standardized tests have an inherit bias to them and now you have those who can afford to supplementing study efforts.

Yep. They want to “help” without actually having to change anything or upset their comfort levels in any way. It’s the “overcome, just...over there” mentality.

I clicked on the tweet and one of the responses was a white women who talked about how these white parents go and pay thousands of dollars for tutoring to pass the tests. And then not only that pay psychologists for fake diagnoses or so they can get into gifted programs or be able to take tests with no time limits.   

The behavior of the parents is why I laugh when folks try to tell me a public school education is equal regardless of if you live in the city or the suburbs.


Hi. The site you link to uses archive.org, which is the Wayback machine. I hope this is an honest mistake and trust you will acknowledge your error.

Any other wife would have replied to his tweets with “honey, stop being an ass”

Being a black girl in the school system (anywhere really) is a double whammy- black and female. But these dress codes are also classsist as hell- if you add low income on top of all that? Forced to wear your sisters old clothes who is shorter than you so maybe the clothes aren’t such a great fit but it’s all you have?

Everybody knows Hillary can’t win. (I has a sad)

She didn’t say “romantic” relationships.

I feel like if she started with listing her accomplishments, she’d be given shit for that, too.

They wouldn’t be divorcing if they’d had nine good years.

Because some people decide to break up before everything goes sour? Like they see the romance ending and decide to split before they resent each other. It’s not a totally strange concept.

But if they were happy, who cares that it was short? People get divorced for lots of reasons, I don’t think we can speculate. I do know couples that truly divorced fairly amicably, then stayed in each other’s lives afterwards.

Not every relationship is meant to last till death. I have no idea why these people are breaking up, but what if they are one of those rare couples who really do care for each other but have realized that they work better as friends and co-parents but nothing more? That would not be a failure. That would be a good

I dunno, I kind of think we’d be better off as a society if we didn’t use length of time as the main metric for judging the success of a relationship.

Or like people saying that teenagers who barely survived a massacre that took the lives of 17 of their classmates should leave the law-making to the grownups.

This is literally like saying that law abiding citizens are too biased against criminals to be objective in a court room because of the fact that they are law abiding citizens.

Oh no! Because of his wife’s job he might have the implicit bias that rape is a bad thing! Maybe Harvey Weinstein or Brock Turner are available to preside, as a more impartial arbiter?