
She is absolutely right.

Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

Your experience with your step-mother has no bearing on any other human being pursuing relationships you are not a part of.

Nope: it was worse than that. The NRA took the side of the police when they killed Philando Castile. They literally said that he wasn’t legally carrying a firearm because there were drugs in the car, as if that justified shooting him in the street.

I have a theory that Bari Weiss was unable to see any black people in the intellectual dark web. Their camouflage is just too good which is why the New York Times hasn’t carried any part of this story at all. Only white voices stand out in the intellectual dark web.

Also, there is no way to distinguish between miscarriages and abortions.

This is why I am so nervous about those period tracking apps. It would be so easy to make it impossible for women to keep pregnancies a secret.

I think we should all take time to remember that, when the United States banned child labor, there was a literal shitton of parents coming forward to yell at the government for protecting those kids from working in coal mines.

I would like to point out CPS is who decided to give a group of black children to two white ladies who then ran their truck off a cliff.

It is already a thing and we should be tracking the way media and culture are encouraging people to exploit their own children.

No, please be vigilant about what your kids are consuming. You’re not cranky, the online spaces we are creating are really bizarre places. There are monsters there and we are not doing a good job or creating places for children to be children. Instead a lot of people are using them for marketing projects and it’s

Thank you for documenting and covering these moments. They matter a lot more than most people seem to think. The young people who spend the most time online are altering the way media and culture work.

ehhhh... I have real issues with what they did to Mantis and oh my god I need them to wrap up the daddy issues soon.

I feel like there are at least seven more articles in exploring optimal deployment of choice Chrises.

Everyone’s experience is so different. It’s one reason I am very loathe to reach for medication instead of trying to... foster an awareness of focusing your own mind? That’s something I’ve worked on for years and it seems like a crucial skill in today’s world. I hope you find a combination that meets your needs <3

Theta Tau (ΘΤ) is a co-ed professional engineering fraternity. As defined by the fraternity, “The purpose of Theta Tau is to develop and maintain a high standard of professional interest among its members, and to unite them in a strong bond of fraternal fellowship.” The goals of the fraternity are to promote the

That’s true, and this is actually an engineering society, not a frat. It’s being referred to as a frat, but it’s not quite the same.

I have no idea what this means. I was also diagnosed with ADD as a child and put on Ritalin. I had the awesome idea that I was going to stop taking it my senior year, secretly, to prove I didn’t need it.

We just lucked out. I am continually grateful for the school we are at, because this was the only house we could afford. Other school districts are more highly rated but our experience (with largely new staff, I think) has been so good. One of the things that truly terrifies me is Trump’s assault on public education

I actually have a kid on the spectrum and I spend a lot of time at school working with the administration. Nothing makes me angrier than people who abuse that system as a way to cheat. Real kids aren’t having their needs met and the kids who don’t need the help are getting fistfuls.