Reminder: This is the asshole in Iowa who has miniature Confederate flags on his desk. Iowa was on the side of the Union during the Civil War. Displaying that flag alone as a Union state member signals out and out racism, not Southern Pride. Especially if you were born and raised in Iowa your entire life. Not even…
You have to be some kind of evil to go after a teenage girl who survived a school shooting. Like you truly have to be the worst type of person. Monsters.
Rep. Steve King.
It’s also ironic because they think one of the solutions to school shootings is anti-bullying measures and yet they are bullying a teenager.
Of course they’re trying to smear her...she scares the SHIT outta these “adults”.
No, you said you used to enjoy it but now you realize that it’s cheap, easy, a gimmick, and that people who engage in BDSM are bad at sex. I asked for clarification, if you really meant everyone who enjoys BDSM is bad at sex, and you doubled down to call them cheap and easy.
You are making a whole lot of comments like “usually” without backing that up with anything but your personal opinion about your personal experiences. For a lot of BDSM practitioners, it isn’t just sexual, it isn’t just a shortcut to hot sex, it’s a lifestyle and something that makes them comfortable. I get that for…
Your food analogy is pretty apt, given that blanket criticising an entire cuisine and the people who make it in comparison to a cuisine you prefer is actually really rude.
So because you don’t enjoy it, you don’t believe it’s possible anyone else can? And those who do enjoy BDSM are cheap and easy? That’s a pretty fucked up worldview.
If you don’t like BDSM, don’t do it. And if someone tries to shame you for it, they’re giant assholes. But this?
BDSM is not for everyone. It has never pretended to be. It isn’t some ‘cool girl’ thing. It isn’t about throwing on a bit of rubber for a thrill. It is a deep and vital need for a lot of people. Denigrating other people’s sexual needs as a ‘gimmick’ isn’t helpful. At all.
No, I’m sick of people practicing purity politics because they are impatient toddlers who are not acquainted with real, messy life.
Lordie, please submit it. I usually do soft news/features (because way more fun), but sometimes I think about going back to hard news/analysis. It seems like there are fairly large gaps in some areas of expertise.
It was 7:30PM? And I took issue with it because the whole “but we used to do it” argument is a long-standing pillar of the pedophile community. Additionally, the rest of his postings were illogical and factually incorrect, and took some huge straw man positions.
His original post was edited to make it look less like he was defending pedophilia. He chose his words very poorly, then kept doubling down on defending them.
Sure, Romans had slaves, but most treated their slaves better than many modern corporations treat their employees nowadays.
Dude, you are literally defending institutional slavery in an attempt to point out that a mini-game about molesting children isn’t that bad.
Alright, let’s break down this crazy logic train.
Found ‘that guy.’