
Here, this should help you:

Good lord, get hold of yourself, will you? I’m ten years older than you, and yes, this happens sometimes. Generally it happens when the last time was long enough ago that there’s a whole crop of new people who’ve never seen it happen. And then things go on. And then it happens again. (My big surprise in this

So? Let’s be real. The idea that no newspaper can spare even a SINGLE REPORTER in the ENTIRE WEEK prior to the Super Bowl for battered women is a problem. Not the scheduling of the press conference. I understand that some people believe that Super Bowl is the most important thing to happen every single year, but as it

1. They do this the same time every single year 2. They did not reach out to Jezebel at all, as a matter of fact, we reached out to them, because we cared about the story and the sad perfect metaphor it embodied. 3. Get tf out of here with your “it’s the fault of the Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women” bullshit!!!

Who hates them? I just don’t trust them.

So do you or do you not want your “problem” groups to talk?

The historical driving force here may have been female purity/fragility. But I don’t think it is anymore. Because while Female purity/fragility may have been the ideal for white motherhood in the late 19th century, I think for a long time now there’s been a different ideal: That of the fearsome “mama bear.” (Retches.)


he published a book called Straight James/Gay James, which included musings about identity and sexuality, including lines like, “Hello woman, I’d like to be you./Not because I don’t enjoy my own man/ Body, my man strength, my man looks, / My man mind, but because I love yours/Even more.”

Get out of here with that bullshit. You are equating the fantasies of two consenting adults with the CRIME of RAPE?? There is no justification for rape.

Because that’s FANTASY, you knuckle-dragging fuckwit. If you’re confusing fantasy and reality, check yourself into a mental institution, preferably far, far away from any women.

An excellent read. I highly recommend it!

I would give you so many stars if I could. It’s as if they think, “it’s sex, stop making a big deal about it.” Rape is a violation of a person’s body. It undermines their sense of safety and their sense of self.

Rape kits have been beneficial in getting serial rapists off the streets and learning their habits, Cuyahoga County, Ohio has found. They have convicted over 600 rapists because of Rape Kits DNA results. Detroit found over 800 serial rapists as a result of clearly the Rape Kit backlog.

Don’t you feel this is more of a gender issue, and less an evidentiary issue? How many rape kits have been found unprocessed? How many rapists have gotten lighter sentences than those caught with recreational marijuana? It boils down to this, in my opinion; there are sick bastards out there who think women secretly

The way we keep people off of juries is really weird, I think. The selection for basically people who have no firsthand knowledge of the subject at hand leads to juries that, especially when dealing with subjects where our collective knowledge is based on stereotypes and misinformation like rape and sexual assault,

Jesus fucking Christ! That is the creepiest statement I have read in a long time. That’s like something Dennis on “It’s Always Sunny” would say.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL BULLSHIT. Try talking to folks who do BDSM, because somehow they manage to make consent sexy as hell. If you can’t check in and make sure the woman you’re trying to fuck actually wants you, then you aren’t adult enough to handle having sex.