Why did that not bother me the first time I saw it????????
Why did that not bother me the first time I saw it????????
Yup, that was the culture of the ‘70s/’80s. As the name suggests, bodice ripper novels often kicked off romantic relationships with rape (see everything by Kathleen Woodiwiss). It was so normalized, I go back and read/watch things and I’m shocked at what we tolerated. Even more recent stuff. My husband put on Bring it…
i would recommend you reread the article. she verbally told him to back off multiple times. during the end of the encounter, he said “do you want me to fuck you right here?” and she said “no” and he said “ok then lets chill with clothes on” and she said “ok” but then he puts his fingers down her throat and starts to…
It’s not her fault and I don’t dislike her for it but I’ve always been angry she got all the shine, as a co-star, from “Bend it like Beckham”. Not her fault, just something that happened that I wasn’t happy about. She got lead movie roles and Parminder Nagra got to be on “ER” for a couple of seasons.
Gotta break the ladies down right at the start of the film so 1/2 of the audience will understand they can have feelings and feel pain just like other humans!
Doing a content analysis for this would be really interesting piece similar (but more narrowly focused) to the New Bechdel test article published on fivethirtyeight. These are the kinds of projects I wish more journalists were able to take on—instead of just repeating an actresses supposition—and use to make…
i.e. “Rape is the New Dead Parents.”
Right back at you- A woman who is pulling away is not ready to have sex with you. A woman who says let’s chill is not ready to have sex with you and a woman who is not enthusiastically saying yes is not ready to have sex with you.
I read this totally differently - I thought she was basically saying, I wanted to have casual sex with him, but only after I calmed down, and after he did something to assure me he noticed and cared about about my boundaries. After he did that I would feel safe enough to have the casual sex I wanted to have with him,…
Meanwhile, a young women professional who fails to recognize the subtle way her supervisor communicates that she is overstepping her bounds at work and writes into an advice column asking why she got fired gets castigated in the comments for being such an inept moron to not realize that she was constantly being met…
We’re expected to simultaneously believe that men are the arbiters of all logic, reason, and leadership ability while also understanding that men are dumb idiot babies who can’t understand or recognize obvious discomfort or the basic idea that “if you have to persuade someone to do something, they don’t want to do it.”
Why is Jezebel obligated to have a “take” on every sexual assault story in the news. That’s how you get lazy articles that add nothing to the conversation.
Do you know who does stuff like this? Who ignores communication from their partner, going ahead with whatever they want to do sexually, while always making sure to stay on the legal side of things? PREDATORS. It is not the men who care deeply about making sure their partners want to be there and are comfortable but…
On verbal and non-verbal communication:
It is so real — I was immediately talking about the situation, the coercion, consent etc. on a group text with three of my best friends because it struck such a chord. I’m hoping for more follow-up and discussions.
Jezebel, What Are You Doing? Days of silence on the topic, and then what comes forth is not actually the thinkpiece on sexual coercion and the “ways consent can feel blurring”, on how predators purposefully use bullshit excuses about “miscommunication” to get away with it, about how Ansari is more representative of…
This piece is unreal. I’ve been looking for Jez’s take on this for over 24 hours. They haven’t covered it at all except to say that Babe did it badly. Way to have those tough conversations, Jez
Would it have been better if they just published rumors that just happened to be true? They published a women’s account of being pressured into a sexual interaction she wasn’t comfortable with, and one in which the man repeatedly ignored her cues that she was uncomfortable. That’s newsworthy.