
This is exactly why we should repeal the Second Amendment. Even during the Holocaust, Americans were not hearing about the Holocaust.

That solves a lot of problems. The NRA writes legislation that destroys the rest of the Bill of Rights.

“But that said, it’s strange to me that more huge companies aren’t pushing for single payer. As an employer, one of my biggest costs is employee insurance.”

We should repeal the Second Amendment. None of the ammosexuals are willing to stand up to this government that breaks its own laws. They actively prefer fascism.

Yeah, it’s name was Mitch McConnell, and he threatened to shut down the government and go to war with Democrats if Obama came forward with what was known at the time.

Like, maybe this is why she apparently needs an emotional support animal?

Listen, I know that you think you were making a helpful observation of how things “really work”.

You rock. I love that artsy article.

I kind of love her as troll queen of the resistance though. Just the fact of her existence drives so many people insane.

I am so relieved to see more people writing first person accounts of being hospitalized. There is so much we could improve, but people just have a hard time thinking about health care they haven’t experienced first hand, either as a patient or with a loved one that you helped through the process of illness/injury and

You are suggesting that marketing is more important than reality.

I think you’ve written something really insightful here. I only want to add that I recently read some articles about how part of the charter school movement was driven by the fact that the Catholic Church ran out of nuns and had to start paying wages and offering healthcare, which lead to their lobbying rush. There is

Thank goodness you are here to make more room for more unfairness instead of fighting for more fairness and access to resources. Whatever would we do without you, Marketing Hero?

Wait, they intentionally made the Super Bowl be in the city where they have held this conference for years?

THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE SAFE WORD IS THAT YOU AGREE TO IT IN ADVANCE SO IT AIN’T RAPE. That’s what fucking consent is. But I fully believe that you have no idea how to tell the difference between fantasy and reality and you are probably a rapist.

I think you are right. I’m not sure how to fix it, but our system definitely privileges the accused over the victim. The accused gets the presumption of innocence and the victim doesn’t get an equivalent voice in the courtroom. Their testimony is at a disadvantage because there is no presumption of credibility: there

What people like Greer seem unable to grasp is that #metoo isn’t really about rape. It’s about the democratization of testimony. For nearly all of our history, women have functioned as props in men’s stories. We are evidence that a man is a nice man or not a nice man. We are accessories in narratives about morality

It is really, really unnerving. I believe that we are on the cusp of becoming a hive mind. That’s what social media, especially Facebook, was tapping into. Human beings evolved to and are groomed to respond to what other human beings are interested in and doing. That’s how we survived and built the civilizations we

Why don’t you know that the law specifically says sexual assault is defined by the lack of explicit consent?

I would really like for more people to recognize that what is described in Grace’s piece actually fits the definition for sexual assault.