
Stop helping them erase the things that we have said. You have no standards for his behavior. All of your feedback makes it her fault that she didn’t make herself to a 34 year old man who wins awards for writing about relationships between human beings.

They will always find a reason to discredit women’s testimony and exploit our pain.

She verbally told him to stop.

Oh my god.

That. We are groomed to accept shitty allies who stop short of *real assault*.

This seems like a missed opportunity to talk about the fact that she’s not talking about the prevalence of rape before the modern period (like, duh more rape happened before we actually had the concept of consent)... she’s talking about the depictions of rape in stories.

No, her corollary isn’t Coulter, it’s Christine Hoff Somers. There is always work for women who want to help prop up the patriarchy. It’s just nauseating to read about her work and how the NYT hitched their wagon to her to delegitimize women’s testimony.

Yes, I have been outraged against how our educational systems and cultural heritage has been privatized for a long time.

This. I am not the letter writer. I’m a girl who moved to another state with her boyfriend and found exactly this dynamic in my in-laws. It is nuts. It is toxic. I had to think really hard about how much I could put up with. Thankfully, my boyfriend, now husband is totally worth it, but I’ve seen all this shit play

Oh, so all I have to afford is a plane ticket.

It should be free.

We are losing our cultural heritage to privatization. There are almost no free museums in this country and millions of “museums” that are barely more than sets for instagram posts.

Well I guess I had thought that the #MeToo movement advocated for valuing women as human beings. Not to slut shame, but the GOP decided to stalk her because she was the president’s girlfriend and maybe we all ought to take a long hard look at how successful they are at using women like props in political campaigns. I

Ah, this explains the gentleman I met years ago on a bus in Austin. He just sat there muttering “Clinton... Monica Lewinsky” and giggling. It was in 2000.

You’re not liberal if you are blaming Meryl Streep for Harvey Weinstein’s penis. Does she have a tiny leash for it?

I’m sure it’s just this asshole.

No, it’s because her toxicity is childish. Because she is a child.

Or, you know, we could read the part of the story where she agonizes over how to break up with him:

Why is it necessary to critique Margot?

... If she doesn’t write about his flab how do we even know if she’s ignoring it or not? How can she have charitable impressions of things not described in the text?