
Sincere question (no trollo): What’s the line between “inspired by/reminiscent of/a cross between” and cultural appropriation?

Sorry if I shouldn’t be replying since I’m not a survivor myself. Most of my exes and some friends are survivors, though, and I thought it might help you to know that each one of them is stronger than she realizes. I bet you are too. Even if you don’t feel that way now, even if you often or sometimes feel vulnerable

Agreed. Rape culture feeds on silent resistance, and Kate Harding does such a great job pointing to specific examples of rape culture, breaking them down, and providing solutions. I was crushed by how she said she couldn't stop writing because every time she did something else came along that should be included. She

Have you read Asking For It, by Kate Harding? It’s incredibly maddening and heartbreaking, but also a very thoughtful, well-researched, and well-written look at rape culture. Harding goes into detail on why police and/or prosecutors often decline to proceed with cases.

Tammy Duckworth is a serious badass. That is all.

If my options are $20 for bonafide, safe, imported ice cream or much less for cheap ice cream made in China, I’ll pay the $20 so I’m not eating “natural flavors” like lead or mercury or old newspapers.

The funny thing is, if they did write the headline with organic search in mind....the SJ Mercury News was in the lucky position to really capitalize on people most likely to click through to their article if they’d focused on Simone Manuel.

Hipster LA neighborhoods you might like: Silver Lake and Los Feliz

Pretty sure her shirt says, “I’m probably like 160 pounds right now and I can catch a Kasich whenever I want”

Have you checked out The Joy of Cooking? In addition to recipes, there’s a lot of helpful info for learning the basics behind things (different cooking techniques, sauces, etc.). You can learn a few base recipes and then build on them to create other dishes. It also has good recommendations for substitutions when

"threat compliments as sexual harassment" - that's some Freudian typo business right there.

I didn't get my license until I was 31, so I was super nervous and anxious each lesson I had. Here are a few things that helped me (barely) pass my driving test and feel more comfortable:

Thank you for making me laugh. I'd let you raccoon some of my cat food any day, you sideways sonofagun.

I'm pretty allergic to cats - I very quickly get a non-stop runny nose and itchy eyes. But yet I have a cat! His name is Archie and he's pretty awesome. Anyway, by following a few things now I almost never feel any symptoms (granted, I don't have a life-threatening allergy to cats like some people do with dogs). Oh,

Depending on how strict some vegetarians are, they could consider some/most cheese non-vegetarian because of the ingredient rennet, which often is derived from animals. I know some vegetarians who are more strict and won't eat cheese if it has rennet, and I know others who are much more "ehhhh, whatever, give me all

There's also Venmo. It's free, so long as the two parties are using bank accounts. I believe there's a charge if you're stupidly using a credit card instead.

I'm really sorry about your abuse. For what it's worth, you're incredibly brave and strong for continuing to work through being a survivor.

So if, face to face in public, he'd called this woman a cunt and told her to commit suicide that wouldn't have a backlash? Not sure how this is social media's fault. It increases visibility and therefore reinforces potential accountability, but Richman owns the blame here.

I'm trying to convince some friends Portland should be our next trip. When? Now. Because it is always Taco Time.

Also, if you like Taco Bell, Taco Time in Portland is similar but they have TATER TOTS.