That’s not really fair to sex addicts. You can have a pussy problem and not resort to rape.
That’s not really fair to sex addicts. You can have a pussy problem and not resort to rape.
What the fuck is the deal with people writing their own long-ass, irrelevant gaming blog posts in the comments? Go get a WordPress account or something.
A huge cock?
Bill Murray notoriously hates the idea of repeating the same experience ad nauseam and will have nothing to do with it.
I’ll be the last little dog to jump on this pile just to point out that the contemporary political use of “woke” originated in black culture.
Sarah Silverman’s presence is not very surprising to anyone who has heard her comments on C.K.’s scandal.
Both the Polaroids and the tattoos serve as memory aids to remind the amnesiac protagonist of crucial facts and associations he has to be aware of in order to avoid being exploited or killed by apparent strangers and friends. That lines up exactly with the primary definition of the titular word (here’s…
“...we find ourselves unable to resist quoting verbatim, ‘a long gun propped up against a hot tub in the backyard.’”
Sociopaths happen to be human beings, and that is neither to their credit nor a demerit. I think it’s actually a strategically sound decision to avoid producing a caricature and in fact to do the exact opposite. Trump’s lickspittle defenders, by which I mean Fox News of course, will always shine a spotlight on the…
I don’t get it.
Pee into ashtrays. It’s the perfect crime.
I can’t believe no one has mentioned his cameo in Little Nicky.
So is he going to rock the mic like some generic defacer of property, or like a member of the ancient Germanic warrior tribe infamous for sacking Rome?
Trump did try very hard to be a successful businessman and got very far (with his dad’s money) before he fell and lost his casino/real estate empire and then came back as a professional last-name licenser and con artist. And Trump seems pretty nihilistic. But yes, the lyrics have a tone of pensive self-reflection that…
I’m not hearing the Legend of Zelda inspiration in “What’s the Matter.” Am I missing something?
Thank you for entergaging that.
How in hell does a team of 60 animators produce only a minute of animation in a month?
They need to give another movie or series to Gareth Edwards. He made the best of the Disney-era Star Wars films. He also seems to be the only Disney-era director who remembered the name of the franchise and created a masterpiece of outer-space combat.