
Do Woody Allen defenders have a filter in their heads that turns the name “Dylan” into “Mia?” The accuser who is primarily cited, in this and other articles about the controversy, to substantiate the strong suspicions against Allen is Dylan Farrow. The fact that two of her relatives corroborate that accusation

Take the Money and Run

Uh ... he clearly impresses one of the Haim sisters.

Someone get Gibby Haynes’s booking agent on the phone immediately.


McMillion$, a six-part miniseries on premium cable. This truly is the Band of Brothers of fast-food-sweepstakes capers.

Sandler has already played a Cajun guy, though. He could play a Japanese sushi chef, whom he would make a sincere effort to portray with cultural sensitivity but would still inevitably turn into a Mickey-Rooney-in-Breakfast at Tiffany’s-esque abomination. Just swap out the alligator for a dolphin, which escapes and is

Interesting. I’m guessing “Feast of the Cock” refers to Mark 14:72: “Immediately a rooster crowed a second time, and Peter remembered when Jesus had spoken the word to him, ‘Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times.’ When he thought about it, he began to weep.”

“In part because they drop in the most intense scene kid of letting it fill the afterwards.”

Chomsky has little interest in or respect for research that focuses on “marginal” aspects of language, i.e. how social factors affect its use, and he is emphatic about maintaining a distinction between human language and mere “communication” by whatever means (silly Internet pictures, for example). To him, language

How “fatigued” were people after the Star Wars prequels? Yet the first two entries in the latest trilogy have had little trouble devouring obscene quantities of cash around the world.

Now playing

Excellent choice. But if you’re in the mood for something with a little kick to it, might I suggest:

This article has a few errors that I am a little surprised to see in the A.V. Club.

I’ve heard this is what happens when you do pot just once.