Have you ever had a job before
Have you ever had a job before
Take the time, fuck the deadlines, balance (as best you can, as developers) your work and life schedules - we (gamers) will still be here when you feel your game is completed and up to snuff. We will pay the money and applaud your efforts.
“I guess on some level, I find it unpleasant to identify so proudly as a consumer/customer.”
The idea of trying to enjoy art without acknowledging the conditions under which that art was created is just so foreign to me.
I’m honestly a little shocked at the straightforward admission that folks don’t care about the human beings who create the things they love.
It’s a very good way to keep yourself misinformed (if you care to know what’s causing the problems you hate in the games industry, listening to game devs is probably a good place…
I hate how much of online gaming discourse revolves around bad takes made by ill-formed idiots looking to make a quick buck off rage-bait videos.
Keith David’s got quite a large resume. Beyond what the article noted (Platoon, Mass Effect, Halo), there’s also The Thing, Disney’s Gargoyles, Armageddon, Pitch Black (and other Riddick films), Coraline, Saints Row 2 (and two roles in IV, including himself), Star vs. The Forces of Evil, and even a few episodes of Mist…
Waypoint shut down, All of Giant Bomb’s original folks moved on, now the last of the oldschool Kotaku writers leaves the site. I know that most of these folks have other projects ongoing, but it does seem like a lot of my old standard bookmarks aren’t what they used to be, for better or worse.
Knowing that this racist piece of shit will never know a single moment of financial stability for the rest of their life is borderline orgasmic.
This sparks joy.
The real question is, which is harder? Picking the best or the worst 11 episodes from the first 4 seasons?
I like the part where the Board investigated itself and found itself not-guilty.
God I hope the MS deal falls through, if only because it’ll give the company reason to fire his ass without the golden parachute.
100%. Giant Bomb was where I went for stupid and silly games stuff, Waypoint was where I went to feel more intellectually nourished. The fact that Austin and Patrick were former Giant Bomb editors helped bridge that gap showing you can enjoy the silly with the smart. And Rob Zacny’s professional-grade weirdoism was a…
Call it a gameplay trailer.
I can tell you how it’s gonna go. It’s gonna go to the courts where it’ll get bogged down in endless legalese, until DeSantis gets termed out and fucks off, and whoever his replacement is quietly drops the matter entirely.
Do you think Kotick realizes that everything he says sounds like something a supervillain shouts in a movie as he’s losing?
So frankly I don’t really care but....”Only god can judge me” is the kind of thing only ever said by people who just nuked a town.