At first I agreed with all the comments about gaslighting, since that is a typical trick of abusers. And there’s no doubt that Trump is an abuser on countless levels. But I’m beginning to wonder if that’s what he’s actually doing here.
At first I agreed with all the comments about gaslighting, since that is a typical trick of abusers. And there’s no doubt that Trump is an abuser on countless levels. But I’m beginning to wonder if that’s what he’s actually doing here.
Yeah-- ever since he made such a meal out of Clinton catching pneumonia, now he can’t admit ANY health failing or weakness, no matter how small. He shat his own bed here, and now has to lie in it.
I feel his supporters come in a few different levels of fucked up. The lowest level, the Kelly Ayottes of the group, clearly don’t like him, are even disturbed by him, but are motivated to support him (while speaking as little about him as possible)out of cowardice and expediency. Level 2 are more deluded than Level…
Certainly a plausible alternative, but like you said, it doesn’t make it any better. Like, I’m really not sure that “I have such extreme verbal diarrhea that I can’t stop speaking until I’m literally breathless and my lungs are on the verge of collapsing” has better optics than “It was allergies” or even “Yeah I’m a…
This is what’s astounding. I always think I can’t be surprised anymore, but here we are. I was also looking at the NPR’s fact checker list. Holy smokes. He literally said he had a fact checker on his website right after Hillary said she had one and he did not!!!!!!!! Like what the fuck, dude???
I wouldn’t hire him to open an envelope
For the first time in quiet a while I’m actually pretty confident he’s blown his shot at the Office. Even his hateful masses weren’t impressed by his bullshit and his moronic denials are actually doing him harm among the Right (I held my breathe and made the ‘net rounds, tonight).
Lucky? Last night was comedy gold, Jerry! GOLD!
You can literally see his nostrils move when he sniffs.
So the mic could pick up sniffing, but not projected speech? Okkkkk donny
What is wrong with this man? Psychologically, I mean. It’s like he thinks that saying something makes it magically true. Like the evidence will cease to exist or something because The Donald Trump declared that it didn’t happen.
“My microphone was terrible. I wonder, was it set up that way on purpose? My microphone, in the room they couldn’t hear me, you know, it was going on and off. Which isn’t exactly great. I wonder if it was set up that way, but it was terrible.”
This moron is just inventing his own reality and actually expecting people to adhere to it. WE COULD HEAR YOU, DON.
Lmfao even the mic is conspiring against him now! What appliances are going #withher next??
How can you not even admit something as benign as sniffling when 100 million people saw you doing it?
Oh no, sir. We heard every word you said. Bad mic? We should’ve been so lucky.
Fuck Chuck Todd, who just referred to Clinton as “over-prepared.” As if that has ever been a thing.
Many people are saying Trump is probably addicted to uppers. Educated people, great people. You tell me.
Absolutely relevant. Sometimes I watch people’s bizarre behavior and have to think, well they must be medicated. He tweets all night for fucks sake. He must be pumped up on something.
I just read this interesting article today about how Hitler (and a lot of Nazis) were utterly dependent upon meth and how seminal battles were only possible due to it. And how Hitler’s “ill health” before he killed himself was likely withdrawal because the drug factories had been bombed. Very interesting!