
In my FB memories today was a picture of me and the actors that played Elder Price and Elder Cunningham!!!

I think they need a whole Q-Crimes series....


Apropos of nothing: I was introduced to that movie in the 80s by a Mormon missionary with the whitest teeth and biggest muscles (he didn’t work out, was just active and had no body fat) I’ve seen outside of Hollywood plastic surgery, who was also a virgin, even though everyone called him ‘Gene, Gene, the sex machine’

Now playing

QAnon believers who promote the idea that Child Protective Services agents are stealing people’s children

What’s the estimated turn around time to see this on an ID Discovery channel show?

Don’t do it.

This is jaw-dropping insane. You could not make this shit up.

Can anyone now see what QAnon does to otherwise normal-acting folks?

Maybe it’s a distinction without a difference, but I’m trying to decide if QAnon is more like a cult or more like ISIS at this point.

There is nothing Zuckerberg wouldn’t allow on Facebook. Satan could open an account and post souls writhing in hellfire and he’d be fine with it.

I finally feel safe!

This had “going to end badly” written all over it, and indeed, it did so.

Holy shit, this is scary.  I hope that whoever has custody takes drastic steps to protect themselves and the children, up to and including identity changes and moving to an undisclosed location.  Seriously.  Even if this unfortunate madwoman can’t hurt them directly, she’s plugged into a network of delusional people

Hallett has claimed Trump inspired him to create E-Clause.

Let me help translate since I speak loon. He is suggesting that Hallett was working to expose the deep state and so the deep state used the mom to kill him.

You can trust me, a random anonymous internet commenter whose username references 1970's British popular culture.

“You know how the deep state doesn’t like to be exposed,” Pendergrass said.

Good thing Mark “Racists buy sneakers, too” Zuckerberg lets this QAnon garbage to spread on Facebook.

the blame for Hallett’s death on the “deep state,” instead of what seems to me to be an example of the worst that can happen when one preys on vulnerable people who have fallen down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole and are already primed to take desperate action

It’s enough to make me rethink my membership in the Angry Paranoid Delusional Hypocrites Club. But if I do that, who can I trust?