
"It is not enough that I win; others must lose."

It absolutely counts.

I have a little black dog named LeeLoo.

As an aside, the "I've already fucked this up 80%, why not go 85%"… Ugh. I feel that so hard.

Busy rolling back our reproductive rights, unfortunately.

Excellent username/comment synergy.

I share your opinion that swapping Hayden Christensen in is the greatest of the crimes Lucas committed, which does not in any way diminish all the *other* crimes he committed with the "special" editions.

Wait, what's this now? Signed, a Cascadian

Hey there, you don't know me from Adam because I don't comment much around here, but I've read some of your comments about filming for your documentary and really admired your commitment to it. There's nothing silly about "aspiring" to something AND actually going through with it. As a super low-motivation

At last, something I can agree with.

Saw Rogue One, finally.

I liked that question too.

It's when I take care of my mom's cats, and I have no influence on the cat litter.

I am also a sucker for floor plan books! It's so odd but I love them so much.

Counterpoint: I don't like litter boxes. They're also smelly, and they create a lot of dust, and when you're scooping them the dust gets in your nose and your mouth and then you think, wait, there's poop microbes in that dust…

This legitimately deserves an upvote.


Tree: pretty.
Fire: bad.

Now that movie I would watch!

Tilda Swinton is 55???!!