
Thank you for your Jeopardy recaps. I always enjoyed them. I will follow the WOT Disqus channel as well.

This is the kind of quality pun I'm going to miss when Kinja comes for us all.

Finally saw Baby Driver. Really enjoyed it.


Oh, man, I remember that movie! I just forgot Christian Slater was in it, somehow.

"He drinks/shits himself stupid and turns the most noble heroes evil (if
he doesn't outright murder them) rather than admit he needs to attempt
serious personal growth in order for Morty to respect him out of more
than fear/awe."

More croc than bot, in the end.

To reiterate: better nesting is really, really important.

I mostly lurk around for the comments, too. For years now.

RIGHT??? No way to have an actual conversation.

How does that work with the "link your Disqus account to a new Kinja account" then? My Disqus account is not currently linked to Facebook/Google/etc, just an email. Does that mean if I go through the process of linking my Disqus account/comments to a new Kinja account, the Kinja account is forever a burner account?

WIll a Kinja account have to be linked to a social media account (Facebook or Google)?

My local second-run theater just became a slightly cheaper first-run theater too! What gives?

That was my feeling.

Thank you!

That approximates my personal experiences with weed.

I also want this.

Sadly accurate.

I have a friend who had a Pom like that. Loved him, death to all other humans.

"Trumpinistas somehow found their way across the goddamn globe to Bangkok, Thailand."