
Sweet, sweet Trollhunter residuals?

Literally dozens.


By being an actual Christian aka following what Jesus actually had to say about helping people, she disqualified herself.

Those are super cool!

Such a sad, sad upvote I give you.

I so, so wanted a few bon mots about Helix.

The establishment owes you a Snickers, eh?

Dying in our late 40s is about to be all Gen-Xers' retirement plan, once Trump is inaugurated.

We're all in the nuthouse now, might as well lean in.

"It doesn't even contain real snake!"

And wait'll she hits 65, and there's no Medicare left. Ooops!

It's been wall-to-wall 365 Mondays, this fucking year.

Does it help if I'm white?

Are they accepting immigrants from the U.S.?

As a downtown-Seattle proximity person, those profiles better be fucking fake/lies or I really am going to have to try to emigrate to Canada.

Right? I was going to say, "So, it's trashed inside, then?"

In these dark times, puns are all we have.

I'm with you.

Hey, just a random "thanks for the suggestion" - I think I'm going to buy that book for my mom for Christmas. Savage Love: helpful in ways you might not expect!