
Have you seen him as Edgar Allen Poe on Great Minds?

Sleazy New York is best New York.

I really want this now.

I'll allow it.

Sad upvote.

Also, way too much self-tanner.

You left out dragons.

Now we're getting somewhere.

It's funny cuz it's true. (My grandfather was in the Pacific in WWII.)

That's why you get a crate, and when you're gettin' down to business, dog goes in the crate.

Nice "out of left field, but still totally warranted" burn.

Definitely screenshot this, because if Adam Reed ends up doing this, and I could totally see it, you can sue him.

He wasn't mocking televangelists as much as pointing out the absurdity of the tax-free status of churches in the U.S. and how that can be easily abused.

Now we're getting somewhere…

Good thing we have smartphones now so it's actually possible to type from inside a locker.

I feel exactly the same way. How did I not know this existed? My entire brain is just a dusty filing cabinet full of terrible VHS movies from the 80s, I feel like, and yet…

I give it a thumbs up.

I call it the Cryptkeeper.

I also met Bruce Campbell at a book-signing, and he was lovely and full of patience for a huge crowd and all the rest. All hail to the king, indeed.

It was an impressively speedy pivot, that's for sure.