
Made me laugh

This is also some great username-comment synergy, right here.

We're gonna need a bigger rocket.


Well, in Starship Troopers, they were all supposed to have just graduated from high school, so…

In a thread full of gems, this still deserves more upvotes.

You have NO IDEA how many marijuana dispensaries there are in Seattle at this very moment. They really are closing in on Starbucks-level ubiquity.

"Steer into the skid"

We were confused too; they must have aired out of order to try to get the holiday eps *closer* to the holidays in question.

Me too.

Don't forget, it's a leap year - an extra day of killin' for ol' 2016.

I've missed this too. All of this. And I'm a Seahawks fan.


Reluctant upvote. (The best kind of upvote.)

I'm… detecting some sarcasm there.

Isn't he not technically a Republican? I believe he's an "Independent" (to the far right of actual "Republicans").

My governor is somewhat ineffectual (given the legislature he has to work with, what can he do anyway?), but he means well.

Cut it out. I mean it.


OK, *this* is a good variation.