
"a furry blender made of swords"

I hate that I knew what was coming and it still made me laugh.

People got bills to pay, man! That sweet Marmaduke money comes knockin', are you gonna turn it down?

First, good username/comment synergy.

Honestly, I was surprised at how little gore there was. It's mostly AUTOMOTIVE CARNAGE.

OK, that was pretty funny.

Worse. All signs have to be in both Finnish and Swedish, by law.


Finns, much like Germans, would never use a two-syllable word when a ten-syllable word is available.

Kyllä. <— one of about four words I know in Finnish.

Try Finnish instead. It's not nearly as beautiful (at least, certainly not to look at) and possibly more difficult, but equally useless.

I noticed. It was definitely a Terminator, shoot-em-in-the-knees deal.


Right? She was so *wasted* being on Criminal Minds. But I bet the pay was good.

I am envious.

"you don't fight gross behavior with even grosser behavior"

Me too!

Congrats and thanks for taking an older guy.

Being a condo association president: truly, one of the worst things ever.

You're only hurting yourself.