
This looks like a xenophobic shit-stirrer, for sure.

So did I. It was all very confusing.

That legitimately made me laugh out loud - well done.

Same here. My parents are not without their faults, but hot damn if they weren't always in my corner, even when I didn't realize it.

Well said.

I love this movie in all its weirdness.

Good call.

Sad, but true, and well-put.

"It's clobberin' time!"

Pontypool was awesome. I'd see this movie even if it didn't have that going for it, but now I'm actually psyched.

That was the one that stood out to me as well…

That was a great fucking comment. (As evidenced by how I still remember it.)

Both of my parents were also teachers. They would never want the same fate for me.

Somehow this works beautifully with your Archer avatar. It seems like something Archer would say/peeve on.


I got a 1997 Corolla with 175k miles on it, still chugging along being good to me.

Go away! 'Batin'!!

Me too. Was worried.

Jesus will just have to come back and set them straight.

Someone needs to make Captain Kirk Cameron their username, stat.