
I have no siblings; I feel discriminated against and I'll be taking it all the way to the Supreme Court if I have to.

More or less of a carcinogen than unused motor oil?

I saw that ad on TV and was like, What in the everloving fuck? Well, I guess if that's how Ron Paul wants to spend his money, buying national primetime ad space…

It's just like the old gypsy woman said!

Mmm… kinky. I'd be more afraid they'd actually like it.

That's why he gets paid the big bucks!

While I understand that you suffered, that's hilarious. (Tragedy + time = comedy, after all.)

So… sort of like a Transporter, then? With, one might expect, car chases and such?

Me too. THAT I would definitely be all for. As it is, I'll see this anyway, because I hate myself and I love dumb shit that blows up.

You mean, like Australia?*

Oh god… that's what happened the last fourth of July at my boyfriend's parents' house. At the time, I was told it was just in honor of my never having seen the musical. Now that I've seen it, I just hope it's not happening again.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it stopped juuuust short of being a "real" campaign last time. Probably over the financial disclosures?

Same here. I REALLY HATE THEM, YO. I hate having to change my credit card number everywhere it's stored/all automatic payments/everything else.

I generally have an easy time forgiving people who have wronged me directly, but I have a hell of a time forgiving people who've wronged my friends or family, even if the wronged party has been generous with forgiveness.

Shut up and take my money.

Something something queer as a three dollar bill?

Most of us don't HAVE day jobs, smartass.

Yeah, I was going to say "he wasn't really *green*, was he? Sort of a blue with red markings."

Yeah, that still blows.

I know… so annoying.