
Yes, tell me more.

I'd rather take him to a farm where he gets rendered and made into glue.

Dickety-six percent?

I've never actually looked up a movie on doesthedogdie.com, I just know it exists and am thankful I might use it someday.

Keep passing the open windows.

Did it also have rollercoasters? Did you fingerbang a pretty girl on a rollercoaster?

Why green and not red?

Deserves more upvotes.

Not enough people use the phrase "high dudgeon" these days.

I'm down! Sounds like a party!

I'm like a 90% heterosexual lady but Famke Janssen (who I remember from way back in the 80s when she was a fashion model) is SMOKING FUCKING HOT. And she's not really one iota less hot now than she ever was.

It boggles the mind.


I… also read it as that, and thought, "Well, that really is a Savage Love matter!"

That's what I'd like to know.

OK, even I have to admit that's a pretty good one.

That's the only thing I remember from the movie. (The stripper bench press.)

Obvious answer: mutant lizards and bugs. Still protein!

No, there was a Statham number three. Many people deride it, but it's no worse than the second, plus it has Robert Knepper as a villain.