
Except that it's three. Unless you're simply denying the existence of the third, which is a valid life choice.

In Seattle. Unfortunately it didn't play on IMAX for very long because Tomorrowland and San Andreas came on its heels and kicked it out (bastards!), so I ended up seeing it on the last night it was playing on the IMAX screen even though I had to cancel other plans. Worth it!

No kids. The dog doesn't give a shit.

Yeah, that was probably the worst possible moment to see the trailer for Genysis. It looked positively… say it with me… MEDIOCRE!!

Not even appreciation for the finer points of Charlize Theron?

I'm trying to use it at least daily.

I saw it (Fury Road) in IMAX 3-D. Pretty cool. (And I generally hate 3D.)

{golf clap}

I'd watch that.

Are you trying to say nautical?

The best outcome, to be sure.

That's funny! I also saw UHF in high school, and my friend and I were the only ones in the theater.

INFJ also. We're the rarest!

That was my first thought too.

They're so good at saving people, but they can't save themselves (/their marriages).

I *LOVE* epic disaster movies even though 90% of them are absolutely terrible.

Ah, made me laugh. Thumbs through the workbook!*

I thought it was Melissa Leo's voice.

But… how can they know for sure? I mean, everyone on the Internet is actually a cat anyway.
