
Agreed, a beautiful comment.

When I went to the doctor and laid on the table… Who would've thought??

I am similarly ashamed. But that's why I come to the AV Club!

Intriguing. Ethan Hawke though?

If it was about time, it would be a Timecop reboot. And now if you'll excuse me, I have to call my agent…

Masterfully done, sir.

I'd pay real American dollars for that.

And The Crazies! It's actually a pretty decent movie and he's really good in it!

I'm like that too. I luhhhv horror movies and mostly don't mind the gore, but if someone starts telling me about their operation, I'm like "No stop LALALALALA can't hear you…"

Monica Bellucci in states of undress does nothing for you?

Seriously, man, you ruined my afternoon.

I've never actually seen It's A Wonderful Life all the way through, I'm not even remotely knowledgeable on "classic" films, or any films prior to about the 70s really, and I still guessed it right away. It seemed… blindingly obvious.

Exactly. We're being deserted in our hour of need.

Have you read the book "Nothing To Envy" by Barbara Demick? It's basically interviews with a few (the very few) who've escaped from North Korea. Very interesting.

Why hasn't Homeland Security invented time travel yet? GET ON THAT, YOU FUCKS!

Agreed. Not like I wanted to see the movie or anything, but the fact that this shit *actually worked* (meaning they got the movie pulled) is disheartening.

Also upvoted for "a level five vegan who won't eat anything that casts a shadow", and I'm a vegetarian.

Then why aren't you buying them electronics? That's all they really want, of course…

Anything that pisses off Marco Rubio is worth doing.

Actually, I believe Quaaludes were also involved in the Polanski case, so not as amateur as first believed.