
"dreary Scottish grave"

I think the lobster was their first date. Part of the reason Bob hates Lobsterfest is because he's allergic (like Gene), and Linda says, "No, you're not, you had lobster on our first date" and Bob says, "Yeah, and you remember me getting all puffy and wheezy?" and Linda says, "You were just excited about me!" That's

I think we saw their first date, at a restaurant where Bob ate lobster and had an allergic reaction. But I don't think we've seen how they met. We saw Bob hunting down the fortune-telling machine(?) for Valentine's Day that turned out to be how he met another girl, right?

Regular-Sized Rudy.

The "Greed is Gouda" was in the 20 years ago flashback, so that would actually make it 1994.

[Insert "Take my money!" GIF here]

That's precisely why he included the screen shot.

I agree strongly on all your points.

Something something Kegel joke…

It's even funnier to imagine the actual Chester A. Arthur saying this.

Tip of the hat, round of applause, that's a hell of a story.

VCRs are tools of Satan.

I too am curious. I hope it was planned/amicable/whatever. I love Janeane Garofalo.

And yet they cut off Hershel's leg and then had to put the actor's leg in a green-screen cast and make him hobble around for how many more episodes?

That… actually helps.

Well, I'm a lady, and my mom is a lady, and I've had that conversation, and I'm the Gene.

I saw the original Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope) in the theater when I was 5 years old. Now, I read the A.V. Club. You do the math.

Agreed. It's not perfect, but it's enjoyable and certainly justifies its own existence, as you say.

Tell me more about this smoked ginger vegan ham.

Bask in the glory until you get melty-face like in Raiders of the Lost Ark .