
Or… perfect planning, depending on your point of view.

Mabel, Ethel, Edna…

I love the pterodactyl part. Mostly because I love pterodactyls. Other than that, mostly meh.

I actually remember having that happen, many loooong years ago when I actually frequented McDonalds, and going, "Whhaaaa…? What is this?"

Are we through the looking GLASST?

Much appreciated.

People who are in the mythical "Pacific Time Zone" may still be stuck at work on a Friday evening. Won't you feel their pain?

That's… a pretty good analogy, actually.

Don't drag the Hang In There, Kitty posters into this.

Why won't these contemptible sodomites understand that we love them, we just hate their sin?

If you *have* to eat the cake, you may as well enjoy it.

That's my take as well.

That's exactly how I felt, in each case. But like I said, I have a lot of friends who were like, "Eh, that ending, it made me hate it" on one or the other.

Question: did those endings make you love or hate the works in question?

Warm Bodies then? It was actually quite charming.

Intriguing strategy, but what do I know? I'm no hookers-n-blow snorting network exec.

Yet… show still cancelled.

I heard of it ONLY because I read the recent AV Club interview with Dan Lauria, who was kinda awesome.

Well, Jerry Sandusky's wife totally went down with the ship, right? I mean, it happens…

But there is actual, documented evidence of allegations against Cosby having been made many, many years ago. Now, the fact that there was an allegation in the past doesn't mean that allegation was or is true, necessarily. But this "incident" right now is not the initial exposure, by any stretch of the imagination.