
And also such a blatant ripoff of the Road Warrior.

I certainly hope so.

My mom is also obsessed with otters and their cuteness. While I agree that otters are adorable (with all that holding hands!), I prefer obsessing over even wackier creatures, like aardvarks.

Have you SEEN Thankskilling? (Musical OR theatrical version?)

Oy, the paper cuts, though.

But do you enjoy sandwiches on brown bread EQUALLY as much as sandwiches on white bread?

Does he ever use the phrase "guts for garters", as in, "they'll be wearing ye guts for garters!"

Depends. Are you watching on a Hi-Def TV?

They could have been spies, man! SPIES!

I'm taking mine right now!

PS I live in Seattle so I know what you're talking about.

The AV Club

Not to mention, addiction to opiates. Why, God, why?

I have someone in mind but I don't want to write it down (equivalent of "say it out loud") because I'm suddenly feeling very, very superstitious.

This is my feeling on it, but I've come to accept that other people feel very, very strongly the other way.

Yeah, how do you spoil "live TV"? I'm unclear on the point.

Was the spoiler "Her head really does get chopped off?"

Well, when you're only expected to live until about 40, you gotta start early…

The opening theme really was the best part, wasn't it?

Well, this week really fucking sucks and it's only Tuesday.