
We're running the math right now.

Which reminds me… the young Brigitte Nielsen clone in Transporter 2. (Not proud.)

Commenting on the A.V. Club

They really have gone to hell in a handbasket, haven't they?

It is kind of a mash-up of all of those things, isn't it? No wonder it just sounds "right".

Sorry, must be seeing things.

I think you're on to something there.


I also would like an answer to that question.

Fukkin' adorable.

Good username/comment synergy.

… I'd watch that.

I'd definitely be HBO's CEO of Butts. If they were to ask me, that is…

Inappropriate laughing out loud in the office ensued…

"It's funny cuz it's true!!"

Made me laugh.

Pip Pip Cheerio


And people pay, like, on some kind of sliding scale, like maybe based on how much money they have or something…