
Send in your pitch now, before anybody steals that. You could make a mint. (Note: pretty sure Hallmark Channel is the one with a huge slate of Christmas movies. I sometimes discover my mom watching them.)

There will never be so little water left in the world that the very rich cannot buy and hoard it.

The A.V. Club
I might be a bit eccentric

Whither Apollonia?

I bet you could get $100,000 in a week with a proposal like that.

"It's ok if Odie watches."

Gotta admit, that was a good one.

"liver-spotted Cheney-fellator"

Now that, I can upvote.

C'mon, who didn't get busted as a teenager with Boone's Farm?

Does it look like boobs?

I find this line of questioning intriguing.

Nicely done.

Gets my vote.

I also will even defend her swan dress. It's a lonely club, n'est-ce pas?

I don't doubt you're on to something. However, despite not getting the premiere scripts, she's laughing all the way to the bank and rolling in her money like Scrooge McDuck.

(paraphrased/may not be dead on accurate):

It gives me great pleasure to upvote this comment.

Everyone's hair in the 80s was unfortunate.

"Welcome to the jungle, it gets worse here every day."