
I feel like a total asshole but that made me laugh - yes, out loud.

Cage looks mildly really, really confused.

Or perhaps just silly enough.

… I get that joke.

No fair using 2 in 1.

A million upvotes for truth.

I'd watch that.

He'll dry his tears with $100 bills from Friends residuals.

I wish I could upvote that more than once, for the reference. That I actually got.

This actually made me LOL.

That was my first thought too. Does that mean there's something wrong with us?

I'll be on your side of the line.

I kind of love "fuckity bye".

Were you named after Judge Reinhold?

Also, there must be some (small) amount of money involved just for "appearing" on the show, I'd imagine.

I would pay many American dollars to see that.

I think 42 is good.

Me too…

So much truth.

I have to admit, I laughed.