
In this episode I already felt like I was watching Claire and Phil Dunphy squabble in a Modern Family episode. With this baby there is no chance now that Mindy and Danny are going to split up, so the underlying tension of that narrative possibility has been eliminated.

It was awful how rushed and nonsensical that falling out with Gurglar was. Overall he's been pretty great to her. He wasn't on board with hiring her drug dealer kid brother who couldn't sit through an informal interview, so that was the deal breaker?

The "I could raise the child on my own" line was INSANE. This is a committed relationship where both partners are supposedly "all in"— Danny just bought them a house last week— yet Mindy still feels that she needs to offer Danny an out on raising their child? My guess is that it was written that way so that Danny's

That killed me! C'mon, Gail.

I adore The Mindy Project, but I'm concerned. Right now I dread the idea of episodes about Mindy's pregnancy cravings, or Mindy's insecurity about gaining weight, or Mindy and Danny arguing over baby names. I could see those storylines on any of the other 30+ network television shows that deal with the hassles of

I took it as more that 2015 Mindy Lahiri would never be caught dead in that outfit. I adored the Alexis Bledel-blue contacts.

They actually had an original 15 episode s3 order and then six were added in mid-November for a "full" 21 episode season.

I thought this episode was pretty great. It didn't have any jokes that betrayed everything we know about any of the characters. (Although I fully expect that Jeremy believing Mindy and Morgan were having an affair will never be mentioned or alluded to in any way again.) I can't say I'll miss Pally though; SO many

Yes. It bothers me that even with the title character they can't decide how competent or incompetent she is or how smart or stupid she should be; it varies from scene to scene depending on what is in service of each individual punchline. In one way the show wants to have the heart of The Office and asks us to care

I really didn't get how Danny getting a ridiculous foot job transformed into "I don't know if you can do this fellowship" in about 2 seconds… It felt like a very rushed plot device.

Who will be my Greg Grunberg?

Yes! This. I despised the "She's all yours" line after Peter found out the Julia Stiles character already had sex with Morgan. Awful.

This is all true. I guess to me it has seemed like the show is hinting that he's not sure if this relationship is what he ultimately wants or is comfortable with (or maybe he's just a bachelor who isn't fit for a long-term relationship), not just that Mindy is moving too fast or pushing him too hard. (Of course I

Mindy's line about how she would be fine regardless was really wonderful; I agree that it was one of the best scenes the show has done. That said, in the S2 finale Danny did talk about going all in and I don't think it's really been established what has made him back off from that, although I get that he's divorced

Knowing that Pally is leaving the show, when Peter went through the window I thought for half a second they were killing him off that way and I loved it.

He definitely deserved a nomination for season 2 and didn't get one. It seems that at a certain point (often after season 2) if a show has been completely excluded from Emmy nominations in all categories (which TMP has), it's impossible to suddenly start getting nominated, regardless of how much stronger a show has

Cool comment!

Mindy has a lot of flaws too, so I don't know why Danny has to be the one who learns a lesson at the end of every episode. It's getting kind of ridiculous.

Hmmm, I wonder what the real story is here.

I would love it if they could make her zany in an original way. Any pilot where a hot thirtysomething woman is waving a knife around because she doesn't have an engagement ring yet is hardly exploding stereotypes.