
I had the same thought. Go for a Will Gardner moment. What they are doing by quickly ruining a character they've spent 70+ episodes developing is excruciating.

I feel for the writers. If Messina wants off the show they have to find a way to make that possible without ruining everything they've built for four years. However I don't think it can be done— he's the co-lead and his character is perhaps the best established.

I was expecting the Hulu order to be in the 13 episode range, not 26. With this many scripts to write, I'm not surprised we're getting this stay-at-home mom garbage for a few episodes. Still, with a protagonist like Mindy it's kind of a waste. This is not someone who would be a stay-at-home mom (from a character point

Also that was some impossible A+ cell phone reception Morgan had underground to text Danny that Mindy was giving birth…

I don't really buy that Petra would be back in love with Rafael so quickly. When the show started they despised each other. I know her evolving feelings have been mentioned in the last few episodes, but it still has felt a little unearned and forced to me.

Yup. While this was a good single episode of television, I can't believe we went through a whole season of this storyline for absolutely nothing. Just filling up a 22 episode season? Did the writers change lanes after the political stuff was getting meh reviews?

Yup, entirely lifted from John Oliver. I also thought the Angelou joke was a bit mean-spirited; it didn't hit me the right way.

They both need to go at the end of the season. How far have our standards been lowered when this is deemed "edgy" and something to look forward to?

Kaling said at the New Yorker Festival a few months ago that Danny was a "wish fulfillment character" and I think about that sometimes when I see how he has been written this year… I don't see anymore how this dude is anyone's dream partner. I know (and appreciate) how Mindy and Danny are both awful a lot of the time

Hmmm, I thought she was falling apart more and more throughout the season. By the end her closest relationship was literally with a 14-year-old child. The Fran character was interesting because he was more or less a fully formed adult who showed by comparison how far away from that maturity/self-actualization Hannah

Oooof, I felt like it was pretty clear that Fran is way too together for Hannah. One mature convo w/ Adam has evolved Hannah enough that we are supposed to largely forget everything else that happened in the last 9 episodes? I loved this season otherwise, but those last 5 minutes felt unearned and disorienting.

I'm not sure what the point was of her earning the trust of her cell mate and then selling her out; that was a lot of time spent on something that likely has no relevance. There was also no real drama in the will-she/won't-she of the choice to betray a character we know and care nothing about. Now with this new

Hasn't Phillip been exposed enough, like when he met her parents, that her murder or disappearance could be a big problem? I would imagine her colleagues may be able to put a lot together if she was killed at this moment.

I know she's a series regular, but keeping Nina on the show this season isn't adding much.

The Cousin Sheena-Danny scene was one of my favorite scenes in recent memory. If you look closely you can see Danny shed a single tear at the end… really funny and well-acted.

Happy Endings didn't have three full seasons though— the first season was 13. I believe the total number of episodes was 57. All shows in recent years w/ 66 eps after 3 seasons got a season 4. (Mindy at the end of this year will have 67.) Still, Mindy's ratings have dropped below 1.0 in the last two weeks without new

It's not only women, though, which seems to keep coming up in these comments. Stephen Tobolowsky was let go early in the show because the network wanted to portray Mindy as more in charge at work and not a new doctor just starting out.

There was some great momentum early in this season, but these recent episodes (part of the extra 6 episodes FOX ordered in November) have lost so much of it.

It did a 1.8 against The Voice. It'll be renewed easily.

The "geriatric obese pregnancy" line was also pretty harsh, especially for a character who is 34 and not large.