
Mindy has never voted! They've said that several times. Still, it was very funny.

Selfie had Charmonique and her son! They were the best. I also liked Samm Levine's character.

Yeah, I think it's been clear from the pilot that they will end up together. I think every show gets one big central couple breakup and reconciliation before it becomes tedious— unfortunately for TMP they already broke up Mindy and Danny so haphazardly in the middle of season 2.

I was kind of confused by Mindy's engagement-by-Christmas-or-done. At first I thought it might be explained away by the end of the episode as an everyone-knows-diaries-are-just-full-of-crap kind of thing from Bridget Jones, but by the end this was set up as the central conflict for the rest of the season— will Danny

It's not official, but likely now that season 3 is a full season. I guess it's rare for shows in upper 60 range of total episodes to get cancelled between seasons 3 and 4 because season 4 can put them into syndication.

The accidentally-tiny-dining-room-table gag was lifted from the "Except For That One Thing" episode of This American Life earlier this year.

Ed Weeks always does so much with what little they give him. His short scene tonight with Mindy was my favorite.

I think (hope?) that John Cho has made a big impression and that he'll be back on my tv in a leading role in no time. Everyone seemed charmed to no end by him.

Annie is intolerable! She's every lazy stereotype about a thirtysomething unmarried woman. She flips out over predictable things (No proposal! I don't wanna share my space! What if I'm not a good mom? Why would you need a pre-nup with me?) and has to be calmly talked down like a child by Jake in every episode. I

I saw an interview with Mindy on E! the other day and she said the second half of the season focuses a bit more on Mindy's professional ambitions, so hopefully we'll get reminded again that these people technically have jobs.

But it is really annoying when people are habitually late… It's about valuing the other person's time as much as (or at least not less than) your own.

The whole thing was so bizarre. There was no apology, which I was expecting the SNL PR team to force on him. And then for days after, he was still, one by one, directly responding to and belittling the women who were criticizing him on Twitter. His Twitter persona in general is very immature (and unfunny) and makes me

There is also Andre on Mulaney. The chubby, bearded, annoying sidekick was a requirement this year for new comedies, I guess.

Yes, but the show certainly didn't have any kind of interesting take on it and it certainly wasn't a commentary or critique on the culture that would lead a hot 31 year old to think she needs to start Botoxing ASAP. I know that is asking a lot and it was just a storyline that could set up for that funny face gag in

Yeah, they are 49 and 53 IRL, so they would have been basically teenagers when they had her via a surrogate, as referenced in the pilot.

The Botox storyline was ridiculous. The idea that Sarah Wright is anything other than young and hot in the totally standard, socially-sanctioned way and that at 31 she is already— gasp— looking almost 40, which is when women should pretty much die… well, it hit me the wrong way, especially on the same day as all the

Yup. In the pilot they made some sort of reference to his character being 35-ish, which made me laugh.

It seems like they are becoming worse people than they were in season 2. We are being asked root for them— their relationship has been the central storyline since the pilot— so I'm not clear why finally being in a relationship is making them more toxic. If this is something the writers are doing intentionally to set

Yes, so far this season he has hidden his non-divorce and his stripper past. And last week he lied repeatedly about "slipping" until he couldn't pull off the lie any longer.

Ed Weeks was so wonderful in this episode.