
Her voice is the best.

They have Milioti in the most distracting eye makeup. That severe eyeliner wing thing…

Of course. I don't think anyone assumes that one of the writers accidentally got something on the air without the approval of Kaling or the collaboration of the whole writing staff. I do think though that some of the writers have more of a "bro" edge to their writing that feels at odds with how Kaling writes her

Oooof, this episode was troubling. I knew before even checking that this was not written by Mindy or one of her three female writers.

Agree. Peter was wonderful in this ep. When Lauren left him alone with the baby my first thought was that he might actually kidnap the kid until Lauren reconsidered… but the broken up speech to the baby was so sweet and funny.

Agree that TMP is wonderful and endlessly frustrating. The one-liners are as sharp as anything on tv and Messina is a dream, but it feels like the writer's room is lacking the person who bothers to keep up with what has already been revealed about any of these people. The episodes written by Kaling are always the