My dad is from Portsmouth! Breaking New Grounds has some of the best coffee ever. When I was studying for the LSAT, I used to drive all the way to the Seacoast to study there or at the Book and Bar.
My dad is from Portsmouth! Breaking New Grounds has some of the best coffee ever. When I was studying for the LSAT, I used to drive all the way to the Seacoast to study there or at the Book and Bar.
White dudes get in a fight with security, bust up a shop and then lie about getting mugged and Americans largely treat it like a joke, with some articles essentially describing the situation with a boys will be boys undertone .
Saint Anselm was pretty good at basketball when I was there, if I recall correctly. I lived in Mamcgester for a while after graduation. Made a decent central-ish place for commuting. City was getting pretty bad when I left, though, sadly. Def would live more rurally if I moved back.
Manchvegas expat—not digging all the NH bashing either. We were the first state to implement marriage equality without a constitutional challenge! We gave this country the first public library! And Tupperware! And the alarm clock!
I grew up in the Wolfeboro area, myself. And then picked up a degree from St. A’s. So very NH, yet still got a surprising amount of liberal influence from people both places.
Maine would like to have a word with you about being the Florida of the north. Any town that doesn’t have at least a dozen coastal bed & breakfasts is terrifying.
I mean, that’s basically how ALL regional politics works. Old families and their businesses in petty fights over history and territory.
It has been said before (and often here on Kinja) but can you imagine the GOP’s thunderous outrage if someone from Hillary’s camp spoke so openly about killing Dicknuts Donald?
I mean: are these batshit motherfuckers are trying to get her killed?
The worst thing I’ve ever endured as a swimmer was practicing for a few weeks in a disgustingly hot pool. The water was warm, the room was hot, and you could actually FEEL YOURSELF SWEATING IN THE WATER. So gross. So, so, so gross. It is one thing to run and be sweaty and it is another to SWIM IN A POOL OF YOUR…
On this very site, people were very loudly insisting that yelling and throwing things during a fight are not in any way abusive behavior. So, I can’t imagine what other sites comment sections are like.
I was just reading some comments about the Depp/Heard story on other sites and I’ve concluded that a video could emerge of Johnny Depp repeatedly punching Amber Heard in the face, and the internet would still declare her to be a gold digger who deserved it.
So fucking depressing.
For releasing of filming for court, etc., it depends on where she taped it.
I hate the smell of wet dog so this is just a nightmare for me.
Did the open swim complete yet? THAT’S going to be the bad one.
I could be wrong about this, but I don’t think the Olympics let people in for symbolic reasons. She has to be one of the 3-5 best in her country to make the team, and her country’s team has to be one of the 12(?) best in the world to make the Olympics.
Ugh. C’mon Jez. There was more to her quote than that. I know you have to get clicks, but don’t sell out another woman to do it. Here’s a fuller version of the interview, via USA Today (see the bold in particular):
If I have too see an undershot of a 16 year old’s butt one more time I’m going to lose it.
I...don’t even know what to say to this.
I have a TINY bit of sympathy for crossword lady.