
Rest and cry it out. Then put on your big person underpants and fight. You do not get to give up. My tribe has been fighting for our rights since country was built on our blood. It feels like ten steps forward then 7 steps back. YOU DO NOT GIVE UP. Ask every person running for senate to begin impeachment hearings for

Please quit calling Joe Manchin a Democrat.

“When can we start the revolution?”

Mmmmm... bubblegum....

“cloak itself in human skin”

Heidi Heitenkamp and Lisa Murkowski both put their jobs in fairly serious jeopardy today in no small part to represent the Native women in their states.  Heitenkamp even said that if she was making a political decision that she would vote yes, but she had to make a moral decision.

If I’d do that in a professional environment, I’d be fired. Not promoted.

in a 43-minute speech, announced she will vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh

I’m a Mainer. I’ve tried calling Senator Collins for WEEKS and all her voicemailboxes ate full. Nobody answers the phone. Senator King - got through to a nice young man on first call and had a great conversation. And then the day Dr. Ford & Kavenaugh testifies.... I was saddened, nauseated, enraged... over the course

It’s not exactly a mystery or a surprise that Susan Collins is a piece of shit, but my GOD that speech was on a whole ‘nother level. The gall of that woman to pretend she gives a shit about Dr. Ford or any other survivor while she’s sanctimoniously announcing to the world that she’s going to place a sexual abuser and

She’s doing it wrong, you keep the baby knocked out with drugs/alcohol so it will be quiet during the movie, duh.

I mean me too but I’m betting you didn’t bring your toddler(s) along with you

disclaimer: this comment is meant as camaraderie, not criticism

Is there something I can do to signal that I’d rather be talked to like a customer and not someone’s Twitter follower?

Where does this dude live? I live in Austin and I’ve never encountered this and if there was an annoying millennial trend I’d expect to have it smashed in my face in this city.

“Stoked”? “Killer”? “Crushed”? “Dude”? That isn’t millennial internet slang, that’s bro speak. Internet slang would be “isn’t that Negroni lit af, I can’t even” or whatever.

I am 41 and I do consider myself old. I can’t stand it when young servers address our table as “you guys.” Although, touche on the Gen-X observations. 

Kavanaugh JUST call birth control “abortion-inducing drugs.” Dudes who fuck people with uteruses should be very concerned. And/or should be stocking up on condoms.

Be a pal. Don’t give any sexual attention to anti-choice men. No handjobs, no blowjobs, no dates. It’s not just about your own personal risk of pregnancy. It’s about misogyny and it affects all of us.