
There is legitimately a photo of my family where my three year old self is on a leash, and our dog isn’t.

Elizabeth, Sis. Just vote appropriately, and lay low for a couple years. That Oval Office will never be yours with stunts like this, but now maybe you can help remake DoJ or something you care about in the next administration...if we get there!

If you actually read the article it quickly becomes clear that “political correctness” has become a meaningless term that everyone projects their own beliefs unto. This is like saying, “We asked Americans how they feel about bad things that totally suck, and 98% said they don’t like them!”

Club Girth has EVERYTHING.

Drake wanted to marry Rihanna at one point.

I wouldn’t be surprised if that asshole was also a Misogynist.

Also, in this instance, she was touched. She presumed it was intentional, when it wasn’t. But her accusation of being touched wasn’t wrong.
The world will always be more complicated than our social mores and laws can handle.

The grocery store dipshit doesn’t even have the cajones to ban all Pepsi products from his store, just those with the NFL logo on them. Like, what the hell dude?

Personally, if two people are overtly separated, and one of them starts a romantic relationship with someone else, I don’t see that as a moral failing. Besides, there’s so many other reasons Trump is a pile of shit that we don’t even need to be judgy about his dating life.

I got a Presidential Emergency Alert for THIS???

Same thing happens to me, except Im a man.

Serious question. How do we square the idea that women don’t make false accusations and should be believed, with the fact that white women have used false accusations as weapons against black men, and black people generally throughout this country’s history?

That’s the thing: as an adult, you can pretty easily put the fear of God in kids without calling the cops. Most kids would be pretty mortified by just having an adult say, “Please don’t touch me,” accompanied by a stern glare. There’s no reason to call the police.

This really isn’t rural AL. I mean it is right outside Huntsville. Redstone Arsenal, Marshall space flight, lots of science but it is pandering to those that hate knowledge. (I don’t live there but I have been there a lot)

If you read the rules on American flag etiquette

I’ve been pointing out the flag code to all of my racist family members for the past two years.  They have an excuse for every single time they’ve violated the flag code.

But nothing says “America!” like our American Flag Triple-D titty straps and thong bikini set!!!!

Kaepernick kneeling isn’t the first time the flag has been “disrespected”, yet it’s the first time people are reacting in large numbers.

It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. In 100 years this family will all be dead. All the employees of this Domino’s location will be dead. The delivery person will be dead. The website that hosts this very story will be dead. This incident might as well have never even happened at all.