
In modern schools and public buildings when they build them they are fortifying bathrooms to double as storm shelters and bunkers for shooters. In the newest building at my uni the bathrooms are stacked and supposed to survive even if wind collapses the rest of the building and have latching reinforced doors to

Besides the obvious WTFery of this situation, can anyone explain why bathrooms would be the pinnacle of safe havens during a school shooting? All the bathrooms in my school had only one door, and the windows, if they existed, were not big enough for a person to escape out of. Seems more like a good way to get kids

“If there’s a real intruder...we don’t then start saying, ‘You go to the boys’ room; you go the girls’ room,’ ” Kizner told the Free-Lance Star. “We would say, ‘Go to the nearest secured room.’ ”

It's so that if an angry boy comes into a school to shoot it up because he was rejected that one time and he's angry at all the girls, he will know where all the girls are so that no stray bullets hurt the boys who are innocent of all wrong doing.

I agree, it seems odd. Given that trans people are striving to be viewed as humans, “Whoever” would be more appropriate (since “Whichever” implies a “that” instead of a “who”). I’ve seen “All Gender Restroom” signs that make the point much better than this.

Fire everyone involved. I’m done now, I have a zero tolerance policy for this kind of shit.

I have a personal story of implausible circumstance about the 1989 film.

The cast is already miles better than the original movie. Now there is no way to know how good this movie will be, but it’s already got a running start.

The ground is SOUR!

That being said, I used to have a cat that looked exactly like Church from the original. Used to freak me out when he’d be standing in my doorway and the light from down the hall would reflect of off his eyes. I loved that cat.

You know, I believe Mitch McConnell when he says he’s been assaulted, but I can’t believe that he really accurately identified his attacker, the poor dear. I really think he might have been angrily berated by another Republican, and then forgotten who made him feel so bad.

Different subject but can everyone please remember that tomorrow is World Homeless Day. Homelessness can affect any one, thankfully I'm not homeless anymore. If you see a homeless person please try to help, maybe a coffee, food, most homeless people I know are lonely and it doesn't take 2 minutes to ask how somebody

He told reporters that it felt like Republican senators were “literally under assault” during the Kavanaugh hearings because demonstrators, many of them survivors themselves, confronted them over their decision to vote an accused rapist onto the Supreme Court.

There’s nothing unethical about demanding her microphone back and then lecturing him about acting like a child. Republicans are stocked full of these man children acting like buffoons and they need to be called on their shit.

There’s always going to be a large segment of the population that don’t see a difference between the two parties. Fuck those people. Democrats are always shooting themselves in the foot by cosplaying as Very Worried Mothers, clutching their pearls and shit. If someone acts like an asshole (Trump, this guy in the

So as long as you’re going to catch shit either way, why not fight back?

You’ll never convince Republicans to vote for you, but you might fire up your base if you fight back. People would rather have somebody who is going to fight for them than a nice lady who is going to flop in front of the refs and try to draw a foul.

Democrats everywhere need to fucking grow a pair. The shit we’re fighting for benefits EVERYONE. Living wages. Medicare for all. Affordable (or preferably free) Higher Education. Criminal Justice reform. Fuck playing nice, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY let’s get this shit done

It was disappointing to be on the receiving end of such disrespectful behavior from my current representative, but ultimately I’m focused on my campaign

Maybe I’m missing something, but how are UV filters going to help with lead contamination? UV kills bacteria, but how will this help Flint?