
yeah friends of my adopted a cat like that scared was almost starved, took a year but he slowly accepted that hey this safe and sleeping on a lap is nice, and those other visitors they seem to like me too. He had 3 more good years till his kidneys failed, i guess you cant ask for more

My cats fucking love me. This article is speciest

Kittens have to be handled to socialize them to people. 

Never forget:

Honest question, as I’m not from Alabama, but how and/or why is he being paid by Taxpayer money? Wouldn’t his salary be paid by Bama, and come from a combination of ticket sales, booster money and general University income?

Rev. Jasper Williams Jr. doesn’t have any regrets about his highly criticized eulogy delivered at Aretha Franklin’s funeral on Friday

Just a friendly reminder that this insufferable dickhead makes $10,300,000 of tax payer money per year while a citizen in Alabama working for minimum wage for forty hours a week would have to work 683 years to make that amount. Fuck you, Nick Saban. 

Kneeling is so much more effort than standing or sitting. It’s absolutely a brilliant way to both register disapproval but also display respect, and I truly believe that the people who want to view it as disrespectful were never going to view anything, short of complete submission, as acceptable.

Oh, I’m sure she’s right about her diverse family. Some are white nationalists, some are neo-Nazis, a couple are KKK, and there’s that one uncle who isn’t married.

Mouth breathing morons who reflexively worship the flag do not have the slightest inkling of what that flag means. Nazis worship flags. Americans stand, or kneel, for the freedom of expression and the right to peaceful protest against injustice that the American flag symbolizes.

“those who know me know that I come from a diverse family that represents modern America.”

God makes a unicorn stomp a kitty and then kills it by removing its horn and letting it hemorrhage rainbow-colored blood to death whenever someone uses “is comprised of.”

I'm on team “Don’t touch a person you don’t know”. He shouldn’t be hugging everyone by default!

I’ve always viewed the kneeling as a patriotic act. We live in a democracy. It’s the duty of American citizens to point out to the government when there is a problem, and when the government is doing a horrible job. These guys are risking their jobs to make a public statement of those facts.

Sigh. The more appropriate response would have been to apologize to Ariana and “the whole Hispanic community” separately, considering Ariana is not Hispanic/Latina.

Did they find anything I can eat?

“Bodies had to be placed in tight crouching positions to make them fit inside.”