
I’d also just note that, especially after Biden’s dumb comment about Obama being articulate (and I love Biden), calling him articulate was also some low key racism as well.

CNN’s “panel” just reviewed his comments, but no one even addressed the “monkey” part, they just pretended everything was normal and stared at each other silently.


Thank you! What is it with people lately? Just give his family your sympathies and move the fuck on. It’s like every time a public figure dies, out come the pitchforks.  The man is dead, no amount of you (general you) pontificating about how much you thought he sucked is going to change a damn thing.

i mean...life isn’t about scorecard of good things we do vs. bad things. we all do both. some more than others. I find it puzzling that people are so incensed when, after someone dies, other people share good memories. I don't get it. Sharing those things doesn't erase the rest of it. We all live in that duality. When

Thank you! I don’t even like Cortez much but I totally agree that the “well, actually...” followed by demonizing him when the body is barely cold is in bad taste. I know people have trouble hearing all of McCain’s good qualities lauded, but he was a mixed bag on both a personal and professional level. The fact that

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with

Richard Dawkins immediately launches campaign against prehistoric Yakutia people for their barbarism.

Didn’t know Arby’s did sponsored posts here. Neat?

I’ve heard of more than one man ending up on the sex offender registry because of public urination in a park where theoretically children could have seen. But not in Michigan apparently. Those parents are calmer than I am. That motherfucker would be peeing in a bag the rest of his life.

You are correct about “charges if any”, it seems it only qualifies as a felony “Assault with bodily fluids” if you do it to a Police Officer, or to any staff or volunteer as a prisoner. This may qualify as misdemeanor battery.

Today on Salty Waitress: “But I’m a special snowflake, right?”

Agreed! The other suggestion that cracked me up was the beach! I just pictured the pizza guy chucking the pizza at the people who ordered and yelling “Good luck!” as all the seagulls in the world descended screaming “MINE! MINE! MINE!” and shitting all over the place. That sounds super fun!

And they have aggressively shitty pizza.

Man, that is getting down on hands and knees and groveling for trouble.

Agreed. When Dominos announced their “pizza hot spot” delivery (delivering to things other than houses and such), one of the places they mentioned was dog parks. What a terrible idea. Your driver is going to mauled, the people who are eating the pizza will be harassed by countless dogs, and who the fuck would want to

Seriously. If I was the Salty Waitress, my entire response to this question would have been:

There are people places and there are dog places. Please stop mixing the two up.

The health concern (if there is an ordinance) would be that a server may touch one of the animals and serve food without washing their hands.

I know there are rules, but, I mean, I’m an exception to all rules right?