
I used to hope I’d run into him in the Traverse City/peninsula region of Michigan and eat with him. Now, I’d love to run into him and punch him in the nuts. 

I don’t get it— how is flushing a contact lens down the toilet (or rinsing it down the drain) any easier than just throwing it into a trash can? Do people think that sending something to the sewer is somehow more environmentally friendly than throwing it away? Apropos the flushing, I really hope you’re not fiddling

When I wore contacts, I always threw them away. It never occurred to me to flush them. Same goes for medications and condoms. These overly-avid flushers are why you see “flush only toilet paper” signs in restrooms - some people love to flush everything down the toilet.

Always thought Batali looked greasy as fuck.  The Crocs just add to the ick factor.

Who...does this? 

Unfortunately 49.8% of the country, ie - all the men, don’t care what she says.  They just like the way she looks and the sound of her voice.  I would even venture that there is a good percentage of women that only care about her outfits.  

My wife described it as “there’s a glitch in the matrix. This wasn’t supposed to happen.” It just feels wrong. It completely blindsided me. 

Making america great....again, indeed.

Most of the things he complains about in those quotes are pretty standard for U.S. workers:

I was 16 and just learning to drive. My father and I had a big evening planned, he had a scheduled haircut which we were running a bit late for and then we were going to play tennis. I thought my dad asked me to go start the car, so I obliged even though it was summer and starting the car is a very minimal time savings

Like many of you (but probably not nearly enough of you) I trim my pubes.....

Fell off a bathroom counter when I was 10 because I was trying to see what my asshole looked like. 

In the interview on Thursday, Mr. Musk alternated between laughter and tears.

Fuuuuuuuuck this guy. Seriously.

This is very informative. Thanks for all of your work to make our silly shows so entertaining!

I work in reality tv, in post-production, and I say that exact phrase ALL. THE. TIME. I’m usually having a frustrated imaginary hypothetical conversation with my field producer. So often, the field will, either intentionally or unintentionally, tell my bosses about something that happened off camera,and that

I get the feeling he was thinking she had said those things to him in a way to get a leg up on the other contestants in the game, by appealing to RuPaul and making him like her. What his comment seems to be is telling her “I only take into consideration what you do in game, not outside of it, for how I will judge you

The major rule of any reality TV show is to stop doing anything when the cameras are off. They are filming almost 22 hrs a day. Producers ask all the talents that they conserve their energy between brakes, don’t talk or do anything. So when the camera starts rolling again they still have their energy and the

Nothing you say matters unless that camera is rolling