
Counter-counterpoint: Which one of these two scenarios is unfortunately the far more plausible one?

Me: “That’s awful! Nobody should ever be made to fear for their safety like that, and nobody should ever be subjected to that kind of hurtful, dehumanizing rhetoric.”

This is one of the worst cases of Economic Anxiety I’ve seen in a while.

This family needs to move. Like now. I feel sick thinking about the danger they are in. They need to move quickly like Black families had to move in the 20th century to save their sons from lynching. Their daughter is in danger physically and psychologically. There needs to be a gofundme to help them move to

Hey Maddie and Brandy Rose! There are millions of Americans who are horrified at how you’re being treated and who would welcome you into their communities. I hope you are able to not internalize the message that these adults are trying to send to you. They are deeply flawed--not you.

Every last one of these horrid parents should be doxxed and suffer the consequences.  Read this yesterday on Reddit, and looked at all the screenshots of the comments.  Downright disgusting.  

Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ. This is heartbreaking. I don’t know if I’d be able to send my kid back to that school knowing this.

This is the greatest picture of this pig I’ve ever seen!! It warms my heart.

That was so much irony in one sentence that I may have to lay down for a while.

“Because the truth matters.”

When my daughter was a few months old, we went to Mr Tooty’s company picnic at Hershey Park in PA. It was hotter than hell, and I needed to nurse her, so I sat down, in the full sun in a gazebo filled with senior citizens wilting in the heat-there was nowhere else and certainly nowhere air conditioned, and I was not

i am used to disturbing the mombie hive

there has to be a common ground with the ‘lactivists’ that want to make sure you see them, though.

That definitely is a “you problem” and not a “breastfeeding moms” problem. I hope you’re taking steps to deal with it. 

Etched in the crystal section of my memory is a moment forty three fucking years ago* when I was visiting my mother in Palo Alto CA. The purpose of the visit was for her to get to know her first grandchild at age 5 months. We were out at lunch, and Baby wanted to eat as well. I excused myself and rushed to the Ladies

It’s good that you realize that this is probably something you shouldn’t bring up with your wife. One thing you can tell yourself though is that the noises your baby makes while they eat are definitely less disruptive than the baby crying in the middle of the church because they’re hungry. 

My “favorite” are the guys who complain about women breastfeeding in church. My man, if a woman feeding her child drives you to such distraction then you should do as the good lord says and gouge your own fucking eyes out (Matthew 5:29-30, for those interested). Too extreme? Then just mind your own damn business.

I have this thing I do when I don’t want to see a mother breastfeeding. It’s called “looking somewhere else”. I hope it catches on!