
Then your tour operators SUCK, because all operators were supposed to have agreed to give her space to grieve, as opposed to haunting her so that people could spectate her suffering.

So far, this is similar to what happened in Boston. Even though the Nazis got a police escort in and out (they left on a short bus, literally!) no one could hear them because they were totally surrounded and drowned out by thousands and thousands of counter-protestors. And they fled before the 10-12,000 people

“You assholes again?!?

Belated happy birthday! I wish I could be 48 again :)

I got hundreds. How morbid is your sense of humor?

and one more thing - get a female doctor. male MDs are notorious for not taking women’s complaints seriously. exercise more, seriously? i think it was either Jez or one of the sister sites that had a story about survival rates for heart attacks for women seeing male vs female doctors.

I’m deeply missing my black shelter kitty, Esmerelda, who was adopted a couple weeks ago. Her human is moving to San Diego to be with GF, who has a dog. Consensus among shelter staff is that the dog will definitely be the one making the adjustment.

Get your vitamin d and iron levels(ferritin, not just a general hematocrit) checked and ask for the results. Different labs set different normal ranges and if you’re on the low end of normal ranges, you can still feel like shit. 

I’m having a legit relationship crisis right now. My boyfriend of almost two years and I have lived together for over a year. (Gay dudes) I make more money and have shouldered most of the financial burden in our household (ie: I’ve paid all the rent and most of the bills) That’s not to say I make a ton of money, and

My energy has been so bizarrely low lately! Anyone else feeling that? I can’t decide whether it’s just the gross heat getting me down (it’s been pretty brutal, plus it seems like half the state is on fire, and the smoke and ash have finally reached us, too), stress related to my mother (out of a job again, gonna drive

I have a dissertation chapter to write. I’m SO CLOSE to being done, and have to be done by November so really need to write write write.

But I very badly broke my foot and I’m having pretty awful oral surgery on Monday and everything sucks. And I just got some very positive and supportive comments back from my outside

48? Pffft...kids.

I turned 48 today. My mom drove up to visit and we’re having a low-key good time; she bought me some books and complimented me on my greying hair(!).

Our current reigning champion was over an eggroll. He both wanted it AND wanted me to die for the sin of offering it to him. He threw a plate at the Mama Buffet server and I cleaned the floor and gave her $20 (plus abject apologies). He rolled on the floor while screaming YES EGGROLL (it was in his hands). He had just

I live in a very kitty-tastic neighborhood. My neighbor kitty, Gizmo, is one of the best. He’s a polydactyl, and apparently a klepto. My neighbor lady knocked on my door the other night with a handful of my garden gloves. Apparently Gizmo likes to bring home presents for his mom, and those presents include two of my

Well, it’s about time!

Y’all. Y’all. Two words to change your life: Pesto popcorn.

Is it possible to ban someone for eating at restaurants forever? Asking for your friend.

To a degree. There are people that go way overboard with “the customer is always right” mentality. I would say if the person is conscious about it they are probably fine. Also certain wait staff at certain low end chains might not be the most knowledgeable and probably get paid and treated like crap. Just as something