
Dammit Caitlin, I was SO excited about this until that last bit about wild cats. Sadly, this is a scam. Felis catus (our cats) are all known to be a subspecies of Felis sylvestris lybica, the African wildcat. No exceptions. The “Domestic cats breeds are related to all different species” was debunked probably ten years

Rare unless a gunman opens fire on you with an automatic weapon and you’ve had surgery less than 6 weeks before you go on stage. I mean, seriously everyone says “it’s PTSD” or “nerves” but we forget she might still be on some hardcore drugs and her immune system is fighting World War 3 right now. Good for her, though

CPR doesn’t stop internal bleeding, you raging fuckdouche.

Exceptional article. I suspect they’d need to change the very culture to convince people to get rid of their handguns. Each person is convinced they need it to protect against the other. What’s the term for that? Mutually assured destruction? Or something.......

promoting stickers made of “space suit material” that could allegedly “rebalance the energy frequency in our bodies.” (Stickers cannot do that, whatever that is.)

Thank you for this, Ed. Wondering, just how fatigued are people? I’ve been messed up for 15 years now, my blinding fatigue was helped by discovering/ beating Lyme and my chronic sinus issues (severe fatigue is now the primary symptom they look for with sinusitis) but though I’m better (yes, BETTER) on days off I still

Thank you! I’m not banned, rather greyed but I feel banned since no one can apparently read my greyed posts (so you won’t see my thanks) but thanks!!

Off topic but I wanted to thank you for your likes and support, I’m greyed on Jezebel again (not sure why) 😜but nice to have one from the old gang still liking my posts. 💕🙂

When I developed late-disseminated lyme disease (since recovered), I got some good advice: protect your energy. Since I felt like an electrocuted pile of dog crap, I no longer cared if I offended people. I became exhausted listening even to short conversations, so with babblers at work I would simply turn back to my

You’re now my best friend.

This is why it works so well. I’ve had people so socially inept and aggressive that I’ve said “I need to go to an appointment now thanks goodbye” and they’ve FOLLOWED me still jabbering and even yelling over me saying goodbye. This is when (and the only time when) I will grab someone’s arm. They’re usually so shocked

Heartening as that is, Hess’s team still found their patients were worse off than a control group of non-transgender people

I’m sorry, while this is a great article, does being saturated in pollution not make these cases hopeless? Yes we need to address racism in medicine but please underscore (AGAIN) that pollutants kill and must be addressed immediately. Im in the same boat (white, but my inhaler also fails me due to pollution). The

I’m sorry, while this is a great article, does being saturated in pollution not make these cases hopeless? Yes we need to address racism in medicine but please underscore (AGAIN) that pollutants kill and must be addressed immediately. Im in the same boat (white, but my inhaler also fails me due to pollution). The

includes features like exempting WIC and SNAP recipients from the bag fee.

I hope his English teacher gave him an F. Wait, was he an adult when he wrote this? 🤢

If you bring your kid to a bar, please for the love of god, come with another adult have your kid sit BETWEEN you and whomever you bring. My only bar experience with a child (2 incidences) involved being crammed next to one child’s leg so it kept rubbing against me (not good in this day and age) and inevitably your

I’d like to see a bit less of this and a lot more of what people can do and some COGNITIVE findings about how to change humanity’s behavior. Thx. 💕

Yup! Nature guide here. One time I asked kids to guess something about a historic figure. Silence. No kid wanted to speak up. Discouraged, I finallly said “GIVE ME A WRONG ANSWER”. The first guess from a kid? It was correct. Almost prescient considering they had no hints. I’ve used this trick many times since and it’s

Former wildlife rehabber here. Anyone who’s been pissed on by a snake or turtle knows the answer to this. Just vile. Like all wildlife, these critters belong in the wild. Not in zoos, not your living room. Leave them alone.