I’m repeating myself here but lots of new research re: depression and inflammation. I find turmeric and ginger tea is good, greens and fish. And some outdoor time. 🙂
I’m repeating myself here but lots of new research re: depression and inflammation. I find turmeric and ginger tea is good, greens and fish. And some outdoor time. 🙂
Lots of new depression research underscores correlation between depression and inflammation, so I’m a tad surprised we aren’t talking about foods like ginger, turmeric, fish and the like. (Ginger and turmeric tea is easy to find pre-made). 🙂💕
You gals should have taken the entire day off. I owe my feminism to the writers of Jezebel and I won’t soon forget that. Even though I’m now back I gray for some reason LOL.
Fish oil is also a mild blood thinner. Along with ginger and turmeric, perhaps this is why it aids in heart health for some people.
Cool. Does that work on the iPad though?
Great piece and for any non-weather geeks out there, Capital Weather Gang is THE BEST although WP pulls the “you only get 10 articles” bs.
I think the real victory is this story being recognized at all. No one should have expected Disney to have done anything except ruin the book. And it would be a crime if any child saw this movie instead of reading the book. However, anything that gets this cast and the novel recognized, is a win. For many of us…
I’m a nature guide, dance and outdoor runner. I cannot emphasize this enough: if you haven’t yet, try exercising outdoors. For one, new studies show it increases positive body image. Many possible reasons why that might be. Two, read the NY Times’ articles about the runner’s high. It made me realize that RUNNING…
I RAN into a glass wall once. Teenager. At a school dance. Broke my nose. Mom had to pick me up and def. wasn’t funny at the time. 😂
Nature guide here, I’ve been told to always call from a landline, never a cell phone. Location shows up automatically. The last time I called from a cell phone the 911 operator thought I was in another town entirely.
Payback is beautiful, stupid humans! - All birds.
Show up on time
Thanks for shaming us at the Olympics, asshole.
Thank you Beth for posting that old cover! That brought back real memories. I did not especially relate to Meg. But it was one of the rare times I saw a girl presented as a science geek, and it was certainly my first exposure to a fifth dimension. Such an important novel for girls.
Jesus Christ, these women were barely able to articulate a thought. Don’t drop out of school, kids. The lynch mob that ensued was predictable but still very disturbing. I’m guessing they escorted her away for her own safety. She was probably surrounded by domestic abusers.
Sexism and misogyny is deeply ingrained in the Athiest community. So is blind immaturity. http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2012/10/sexism_in_the_skeptic_community_i_spoke_out_then_came_the_rape_threats.html
Heard on *NPR:
As a Biology person I am SOOOOOOOO sick of hearing “managers” talk about “mitigation”. Like, should I assume this means we’ve given up? Why isn’t that money going into teaching people how to boycott and reduce their impact? Public transport? Anyone? Bueller?
Great reporting, and excess CO2 in plants also cause them to develop fewer stomata so they’re deprived of water and the ability to exchange gases; protective secondary metabolites are reduced as well.