
Couric mentions Ansari and notes how differently younger women and older women have framed the issue of consent—it’s “forcing older women to rethink the dynamics that go on in an encounter,” Couric says.

How about you hop up and take a seat?’” Within moments, he was kissing her. “In a second, his hand was on my breast.” “The move he kept doing was taking his two fingers in a V-shape and putting them in my mouth, in my throat to wet his fingers, because the moment he’d stick his fingers in my throat he’d go straight

Actually he did assault her. He grabbed her breast the minute they got into his apartment. Without her consent. This is called assault.

Oh hell yes, Michelle. Kids need boredom to encourage creativity, intellect and exploration. If they don’t explore the outdoors, how will they fall in love with nature? Most of the summer we spent at a horse camp or at the beach. Living in cabins. None of this Internet or cell phone stuff. Or at the beach. When we

She does not have to file a complaint. Merely knowing that the harassment occurred puts responsibility in the hands of her employer.

A court cannot force an employer to fire someone. The best she could hope for would be a release from her contract and a really good settlement. Otherwise, she’s stuck with him.

Yes, because this is where a sloth belongs. On the set of a loud, bright television show unless they’re off-set in which case they’re crammed into a crate. Fuck You, Animal Planet. Leave sloths in the forests of Central America. Assholes.

Those in charge including but not limited to supervisors, CEOs, literally anyone else with authority over Alexis have a legal obligation to report and discipline any harassment that they witness, in or outside the workplace. (No, you are not allowed to harass a coworker while they’re off the clock). Those with

I grew up in a non-religious household, thank you for that reference. Fascinating. And yes, I would love for Hoda to spring that on Gifford some day to hear her response.

I have no doubt her employers are breaking all sorts of laws by **forcing her to work with a man who made past sexual remarks about her. She really needs to hire a lawyer, contact several government and non-government agencies then try to get out of her contract with plenty of compensation.

Kathy Lee Gifford on Today covering the Grammys with Hoda: (roughly quoted): “And Kesha performed”. (Shows clip of emotional Kesha) “Awwww, isn’t that sweet. Mm. Yeah. Didn’t she say something about **forgiveness? She said ‘I’m praying for you’”?

Again - and listen this time - a stage at Harvard is not “the public square”. There is no debate. Listeners are not free to leap onstage (indeed, they could be arrested) to debate any ideas. A stage is a place where only a privelleged few are invited. Not even close to your analogy.

Inviting a high-profile misogynist to take the stage on campus is not an “exchange”. A lecture is the exact opposite of an exchange. It is just that - a lecture. One person talks, everyone else listens. When Milo Yannopolis was invited to speak, the students rightfully protested that he harassed and intimidated Leslie

A lot of privelleged white men are trying to paint this issue as defending free speech (Conservatives) or opposing censorship (Liberals). What they’re trying to hide is that the controversial speakers invited to campus aren’t just saying edgy things. They are, in fact, harassers and bullies of the worst kind. Men such

Caps lock, dead by 9.

This song was brilliant and hilarious. Sadly some viewers expect comedy to be spoon-fed to them and don’t get the subtle message here. Also Kate McKinnon is a genius. I’ve read about SNL and the players have a brutal job. Each week- write sketches (if they don’t, my understanding is they have to audition and have

Well, I moved away from home when I was 17 and never looked back. But my narcissist mom convinced me I was too dumb to understand how to open a bank account so I sent all my paychecks to her. When I was 22, I finally cut her out of my life and kept my own wages. I was earning $6.75 an hour at a bakery on the sea coast

To show respect. You might want to try it sometime, in case you get a job.

I get what you’re saying - but what about women at workplaces where men are going to show up, they have to show up each day? Shouldn’t the rich dudes set an example and figure out what to say and how to make amends?